Board of Directors Nominees
The final election will be held on 26 October. This year’s election will be conducted on-line.
The candidates for the BOARD are as follows:
Jon Cima, John Fowler, Gary Gittelson, Joe Greene, Paul Kwiatkowski, Ted Schiess and Nate Weiss

Jon Cima
SDCFOA Member since 1995
SDCFOA Former Board Member – Multiple Terms
Currently Officiating: Football – High School and lower levels, Lacrosse – Collegiate official and NILOA District 10 Assistant Governor of Officials as well as High School Board member and current Treasurer for the San Diego County Lacrosse Official’s Association.
I have been fortunate enough to be an involved part of this Association for almost three decades now. Based upon my many years of time spent with my fellow officials I feel that I have a good sense of what is important to the bulk of our membership and what we need to do to stay viable and progressive as an entity. I also believe my experiences both internally as well externally serving on many other Boards and Committee’s gives me a unique perspective and I would welcome the opportunity to bring my knowledge and skillset to bear on behalf of our members if I am fortunate enough to be selected by you as a Board Member going forward.
Thank You

John Fowler
SDCFOA Member Since 1983
Break Years 2001-2018
Returned 2019
During my first seventeen years, I actively recruited and promoted SDCFOA, and I assisted in digitizing and updating the mechanics manual in the early 90s. I took a break because I was promoted at work and started traveling globally. During my absence from the field, I raised my three kids and earned a Masters in Computer
Science/Data Science.
I have always been proud to be a member of SDCFOA, and I have followed the organization's activities over the years. My decision to return to the field revolves around giving back to the association. It's time to help build a stronger association in part by actively recruiting members, and I expect that at least three will be joining us next year. I would like to continue to help grow SDCFOA to be the best association possible.

Gary Gittelson
SDCFOA Member since 2005
SDCFOA Board Member – Not previously
Currently Officiating: San Diego CIF and youth only since 2005
I want to give back to the SDCFOA that has given me so much over the last 18 years.
Being the current Chairman of the Recruiting & Retention Committee and co-instructor of the first year class have been rewarding experiences and I would like to assist in directing the SDCFOA as it moves “downfield” and “tackle” forthcoming issues.
I was previously President of the Board of Directors of a homeowners’ association (for nine years), which included when the 6.7 Northridge Earthquake (1994) wreaked havoc on the San Fernando Valley and I took it upon myself to go door-to-door to check on everyone’s welfare.
What makes the SDCFOA so special is that our educational program is designed to benefit those who want to advance in this avocation as well as those who, like me, enjoy working youth through high school varsity games and spending Saturdays “raising” our new(er) officials.
Thank you for your consideration.