Information Update 12/18/24

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SDCFOA Information Update - Steve Coover - December 18, 2024

Alex Spanos All-Star Game - This Saturday 12/21 at 12:00pm at Mira Mesa HS.  Come join with the following crew to see a great game of our high school seniors being coached by Kellen Cobb (Granite Hills) and Mitchell Donnelly (Westview).

Referee Rick Christensen

Umpire Patrick Jarin

HL Hiromi Fujita

LJ Jerry Reimers

BJ Nick Spencer

SJ Daniel Isida

FJ Alexander Osborne

Chain-Crew 1 Dennis Gildehaus

Chain-Crew 2 Matthew Rice

Chain-Crew 3 Drake Kellas

Clock Operator Gary Pugh

Holiday Bowl - If you'd like to volunteer in support of the Holiday Bowl please feel free to contact Rick Christensen or Chuck Lucero.  The officials working the game are from the BIG 10 Conference and includes David Lofton who started right here in San Diego in our 1st and 2nd year classrooms, as well as Matt Dornan from the Northwest who started out on Michael Mothershed and Mike Weseloh's crew in the PAC 12!  Enjoy the games! - Steve