Very Important Update on 2023 Varsity Fees 5/14/23

Update on Varsity Fees 2023 - We are currently in the 2nd year of a two-year contract.  The game fees will be $90/$88 varsity and $78/$77 lower levels.  In addition, Bob Duggan negotiated travel fees of $13 if round trip of 51 miles to 75 miles, and $19 if over 75 miles round trip.  But Matt Starr initiated discussions with the CIF over the large discrepancy between the San Diego fees and those in the greater Los Angeles area and elsewhere.  The CIF acknowledged the rather large difference and we have reached a tentative agreement for this coming year only:  A $250 stipend to all officials who work 10-varsity games during the 11-week season.  Adding that stipend to our regular rate for varsity contests brings the 10-weeks of game fees up to $115/$113 per game.  This brings us very close to our neighbors to the north and sets the stage for a much better contract starting in 2024.  So, if you get drafted onto a crew, you are virtually guaranteed this extra stipend at the end of the season. Make sure all of your friends and crewmates are all registered by Monday May 15th TOMORROW.  We all deserve to be on great crews and to be paid $115/$113 per varsity game.  Well done Matt Starr and thank you SDCFOA Board Members for being aggressive and pursuing the better game fees in recognition of all of the hours of our hard work.

Registration Update - As of May 13th (Saturday) we have 155 certified members registered.  Not all of those will be in the draft but our numbers continue to climb.  We have 9-second year, 2-transfers, and 9-1st year signed up. Anyone who is sitting on the fence and waiting to register and be eligible for the draft needs to register NOW.  Tomorrow is the last day for certified to register.  If you completed your 2nd year with us, you are now certified and eligible for the $250 stipend so Register now!

Update 5 14 23
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