Weekly Bull 7/12/23

Weekly Bull 7 12 23
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THE WEEKLY BULL – July 12, 2023
1st Year and 2nd Year Officials – All 1st year and 2nd year and transfer officials will meet on Wednesday 7/12 at 7:00pm at Mira Mesa High School.  It is best to park in the back parking lot as marked on the maps we provided.
1st Year will be meeting in Room 714.  2nd Year will be meeting in Room 713.
It is very important to your success in officiating that you attend these weekly sessions through July and the first part of August.  We are planning on our newer officials working a lot of games for us this year.  These meetings will prepare you!
Certified Official’s Zoom Clinic This Wednesday (1st & 2nd year officials do not attend this) - Line of Scrimmage Zoom Meeting W/Jon Stabile (PAC12) and Steve Hoslett (Mountain West) this Wednesday, July 12th at 7:00 PM.  This is the 1st of three clinics so don’t miss out on any of them.  If you are a line of scrimmage official, we strongly encourage you to attend this session.  These two outstanding officials have worked the line of scrimmage at the major college conference level for many years.  You won’t want to miss their “tips” for success as individuals and as a line of scrimmage “TEAM” on your crew!  Here is the meeting Information:
SDCFOA Line of Scrimmage Clinic - Zoom
Wednesday July 12, 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 886 8369 1255
Passcode: 818490
One-tap mobile - +12133388477
Hooking up to Technology at Mira Mesa – Go to your settings and select “WiFi & Internet”.  Then look for available networks.  You’re looking for I21WIRELESS.  If it does not reveal itself, type I21WIRELESS into the search box and it will connect.  If it asks for a password, use I21WIRELESS.  To hook up to the projecting television screen, use the HDMI cable at the teacher workstation.  The on/off button is in the center bottom of the TV screen.  Turn on and tap on the left side of the screen and choose the bottom selection for input.  Choose computer and your laptop will show up on the screen.  Instructors, you may want to arrive a little early to try it out.
Website Password – There are some areas of the new SDCFOA website that require a password.  The password is Referee.
Mechanics Summer Study – You all have these questions plus the answer key.  We will be taking the Mechanics Exam on-line at the end of July so be prepared.  2nd year will also take the exam but one week later and in the classroom.
LCC Passing Tournament – Thank you to all who will be working the LCC Passing Tourney this coming Saturday, July 15th.  First games are at 9:00 am and all college officials and crew chiefs are invited to watch our officials work and to provide tips and suggestions to these outstanding officials.  We will be paying $25 per hour as the games will only be 30-minutes in length.  Breakfast snacks, coffee and lunch will be provided to all who work or coach at the event.  Mike Downing will be the event coordinator as I will be at a clinic in Seattle.  There may be some openings so let Steve Coover know if you’re interested in working cooversteve@gmail.com
SDCFOA College Officials on the Rise! – The following officials have recently received promotions.  Congratulations to all of these and all of our hard-working college officials!
San Diego NCAA Advancements and New Hiring
Michael Mothershed – Position Coordinator (Referees) PAC 12 (retired from referee position)
Chris Wiggins – PAC 12 Referee
Joe Magnuson – PAC 12 Replay
Scott Countryman – PAC 12 Replay
David Middleton – Missouri Valley Conference
Parker Anderson – Mountain West Conference
Jace Carlson – Mountain West Conference
Garrett Haislip – United Athletic Conference (WAC/ASUN)
Justin Joseph – Southland Conference
Mark Halby – Official Development Program - United Athletic Conference
Brian Bortness – Official Development Program - MWC & Conf USA
New Hires Affiliated with San Diego (Started here or sponsored/coached by SD)
Justin Elliott – PAC 12 Referee
Jake Grombach – Center Judge – Southern Conference
Newly Hired into DIII SCIAC
Ron Gillenberg – SCIAC
John Gill III – SCIAC
Thank You Andy Castagnola – We appreciate your continued support and for challenging us to keep working hard to “Get Even Better!”  Let’s “show up” at every meeting and every game ready to work our very best.
Video Links – Once again here are the YouTube links for this week’s video.
Defenseless Receivers

Handling Equipment Violations
Advisor Program – Here is the exact link to our new Advisor Program on our website: https://www.sdcfoa.org/instructional/official-advisor-program
Youth Fund – Thank you Mike Downing, Jake Minger and Terry Thompson for your volunteer efforts on behalf of our SDCFOA Youth Fund.  We had a record effort last year, so let’s get ready to do it again through our Game Check Weekend and Charity Golf Tournament. 
Food for Thought – There is a strong emphasis on “self-evaluation” this year at all levels of officiating.  Leave your ego at the door!  Here are some basic questions to guide you and your crew in your self-evaluation:   
How well did we manage the game? 
Did we work hard, mentally, to prepare ourselves for every snap? 
Were we positioned well? 
Did we communicate well within the crew? 
Was I fully present for this game?