Weekly Bull 9/13/23

Meeting In-Person This Week Meeting #6  – See you ALL this Wednesday 9/13 at Mira Mesa HS.  Agenda: Attendance (check yours for accuracy), Sharing Game Situations, Calibrations, Instructional Video, and Make Up Mechanics & Rules Tests.
Board Meeting This Wednesday – The Board Meeting will take place at 8:30pm in Room 712.
Accept Your Assignments – A reminder to check your Arbiter and accept your new assignments whenever you get a message from Arbiter alerting you to new assignments are available.  Accept them right away!
“We Want to Kick!” – When a team wins the toss, they should be provided with two choices: Defer or Receive.  Captains that declare that they want to kick should be confirmed with the head coach that they want to defer.  If we were to grant the request to kick, then the opponent could choose to receive both halves…. not a good way to start the game.
Stay Off the Center – The rule actually states that “A defensive player shall not charge directly into the snapper when the offense is in scrimmage kick formation.”  Remember, for a foul to occur, the contact must elevate to Roughing the Snapper.  It must be forceful, and the charge must be directly into the snapper.  Many times the force is through the “A Gap” and not directly into the snapper.  This creates less force on the snapper and doesn’t rise to the level of Roughing! 
Low Blocks – We are seeing legal low blocks turn into illegal low blocks when the blocker is on the ground and begins to roll into the defender.  This rolling is not an immediate, initial act thus it is illegal.  Then we’re seeing some on the ground using the legs to “trip” the defender as he goes by.  As Garth always taught, “When a player is on the ground, watch him!”
Knee Pads – They sure are making small knee pads these days.  As long as they are unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design, they will be legal.  Thank you for continuing to work with coaches by sending out players that are not wearing the proper equipment in a legal manner.  The vast majority of coaches are appreciative of our efforts as some players are not responding to their coach’s warnings.
Dressing in the Parking Lot – Please be discreet.  Enough said! 
Game Check Weekend – Get your crew organized for Game Check Weekend October 19th – 21st.  The SDYFF will buy the crew who contributes the most during this weekend a full crew dinner after your game on October 26th – 28th, up to $30/official!   Strive to be the best, and we’ll take care of your dinner that night!!
Longhorn is the New Meeting Location in Mission Valley – It appears the crews are now gathering at the Longhorn Bar & Grill after Games.  Located at 6519 Mission Gorge Road, it is part owned by Garret Haislip and features an incredible cheeseburger!
We Will Be Zooming Our Next Meeting on September 27th – Mira Mesa High School will be having their Back to School Night on Wednesday September 27th so we will be using Zoom to meet as an association.  This will be one-big-zoom meeting similar to our General Meeting we had on July 5th.  Each of the officers, including our President, will make announcements, then we will cover the Bull, Calibration, and the Instructional Video.  A Zoom Invitation will be sent via The Bull the week of
Rules and Mechanics Testing – We are down to the last few individuals who need to pass these tests.  Tests will be available in your classroom, and you can take the test while in the classroom or take it home and complete it.  Either way, get the completed test to either of your instructors or Steve Coover.  You can bring it to the next in-person meeting on October 11th or mail it to Coover.

Weekly Bull 9 13 23
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