Weekly Bull 3/29/21

Crew Chief Meeting This Week – We will hold our next-to-the-last Crew Chief Meeting this Wednesday, March 31at 6:30 pm.  Meetings by individual crews should be happening weekly.  As usual we will:

  1. Review the Bull,
  2. Share Game and Team Info
  3. View and discuss Calibration Plays
  4. View and discuss the Instructional Video

Week #4 Coming up – Only three games left in the season so now is the time to demonstrate our best work.  Good luck this week!
Movement of Back Judges – In general, I believe we have an opportunity for our Back Judges to step up this week.   I’m asking you all to add your leadership skills to the work of your crew chief.  Help with the coordination and communication between you and the two flanks.  Step up and stay involved.  Get into the side-zones and be a great asset to your flanks and referee.  Orchestrate the relay of the football back to the umpire by getting your flanks involved.  If you have information then Step Up!  I’ve attached two training PowerPoints created by Don Carey and the SDCFOA for you!  Use them to prepare for your best game this week!
Both Teams Wearing Home Jerseys – CIF must approve this.  Last week Saints and Cathedral did this and received approval from the CIF and the crew was notified in advance. 
Team Box – For this season only, team boxes go to the 10 yardlines.  In San Diego, coaches may also go to the 10 yardlines.
Coaches Questions – Each week we receive questions from coaches who want to know if the judgement or enforcement of a penalty was correctly applied by the crew that week.  Due to the fact that my responsibilities extend beyond just the high school program, I am unable to respond to these questions in a timely manner.  In order for coaches to get their questions answered immediately, we have former NFL referee Don Carey review the plays and respond to the coaches ASAP.  I too will look at the plays and include some of them in our instructional program later in the week.  Thank you, Don for helping us and the coaches stay on the same page.
Unsportsmanlike Acts -   Here are some of the Unsportsmanlike acts that should be penalized if observed.  This list is meant to be illustrative and not exhaustive:

Diving into the end zone – THIS CAN BE A VERY DANGEROUS ACT. – We had one this week which was properly penalized for being unsportsmanlike AND dangerous.

Throat slash,

Pointing fingers, hands, arms or the ball at an opponent

Taunting, baiting, ridiculing an opponent verbally

Inciting an opponent or spectators in any other way such as firing of a a weapon, placing the hand by the ear to request recognition

Any delayed, excessive, or prolonged or choreographed act by which players attempt to focus attention upon themselves.

An unopposed ball carrier obviously altering stride as he approaches the opponent’s goal line.

Punching one’s own chest or crossing arms while standing over a prone player.

ITEMS THAT ARE LEGAL INCLUDE: God and County!  Any recognition of God or Religion (Any Religion) and any patriotic gesture such as a salute.

Food for Thought:
Enforcement Question - On a punt play at the 50 yardline, the defense is called for Roughing the Kicker.  Immediately afterwards, the kicker who was roughed get flagged for taunting the defensive player who roughed him.  What is the proper enforcement?  Remember, roughing the kicker is an automatic first down.

Intentional Grounding/Illegal Touching – Can we have both fouls for the same act?  Absolutely no eligible players are around the area of #75 the offensive tackle.  QB is being sacked as he throws the ball to #75 who catches it and advances forward five yards before he is tackled.  Best to go with the Illegal Touching? Grounding is intentionally throwing into an area not occupied by an eligible offensive receiver which applies but maybe a bit confusing as it is a completed “illegal” pass.  What is the difference in enforcements between the two fouls?

So Many Ways to Kick the Ball (legal & illegal): 

Kickoff – Starts the game, starts the 2nd half, used after successful field goal or try.  Must be a place kick or a drop kick.

Free Kick – Starts a Free-Kick down, kicking team, other than the kicker and holder for a place kick must be behind his free-kick line.  Used for kickoff, after a safety, and if chosen after a fair catch or awarded fair catch.

Place Kick – Ball is in fixed position: on the ground, kicking tee, held on the ground, held on a tee.  Used for a scrimmage kick, a kickoff, free kick following a safety, free kick following a fair catch or awarded fair catch.

Scrimmage Kick – Two formations qualify as scrimmage kick formations (PAT/FG and Punting). May place kick, punt, or drop kick.  In scrimmage kicks if you use a place kick the ball must be controlled on the ground or on a kicking tee by a teammate…it can’t be kicked off the ground unless it is controlled by teammate on the ground.

Drop Kick – Kicker drops the ball and kicks it as it touches or is just rising from the ground.  Can be used for scrimmage kicks, kickoff, free kick following a safety, or free kick following a fair catch or awarded fair catch.

Punt – Kicker drops the ball and kicks it before it touches the ground.  Used for free kick following a safety or scrimmage kick from punt formation.

Illegal Kick – Intentionally striking ball with knee, lower leg, or foot which does not comply with Free kick or scrimmage kick rules. Live ball foul.

Pop Up Kick – Kicker drives the ball immediately into the ground so that the ball strikes the ground once and goes into the air in the manner of a ball kicked directly off the tee.  Illegal kick – Dead Ball.

3 29 21
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