Weekly Bull 5/19/19

SDCFOA Information Update - Steve Coover

Date: Sunday, May 19, 2019, 11:12 AM PDT

This email is from Steve Coover - (Instructional Chair SDCFOA) - If you are a new official all references to the draft and the passing tournaments do not apply to you. Your season will start with the first meeting on July 10th at 7:00 pm at Challenger Middle School (see info below on this new meeting location).

Bernard Battle Featured on KUSI — Our own Bernard Battle was featured on KUSI for his officiating and musical prowess. ..that means skill LOL. Enjoy the short video and know that each of us has a similar story of how We manage to "fit" officiating into our lives! And Bob Duggan confirmed that he gets yelled at while officiating lacrosse as well as football. Way to go Bob!

https://www.küsi.com/between-sidelines-and-soft-notes-officiating-is-half-the-battle-for-bernard/? fbclid=lwARISHlZuFlRseRVrHtw191dxfwCc2eVblpwA5cnT8mU08QCgTIJW2Z3QNCk

New Meeting Location Confirmed — Challenger Middle School — located at 10810 Parkdale Avenue, which is 5 minutes west of Mira Mesa High School, just off Mira Mesa Blvd. We were very lucky to be able to rent meeting rooms at Challenger as it keeps us quite central. We still have the option of renting Mira Mesa HS next year if we don't like Challenger as much as Mira Mesa's construction will have ended.

Frank Alfano Update - This guy is truly amazing! Now 152 days past his bone marrow transplant and his blood work continues to improve slowly while there is no leukemia detected in his bone marrow! He's feeling better but still must be careful with his health. We hope to maybe see him at one of our meetings or at some time during this season!

Draft — Saturday June 8th — I know many of you like to register at the last minute so I won't bug you, but just want to remind all who want to be eligible for the draft to get your registration in by Friday. May 31st.

Another Calendar Item — Pencil in these dates - LCC Passing Tournament Saturday June 22nd and/or USD Passing Tournament Sunday June 23rd. The SDCFOA instructors and board were frustrated with the lack of opportunities for high school officials to attend a high school specific out-of-season clinic. So we've created one for our association. At these tournaments (you can choose one or attend both) you will work while being mentored by one or more of the following:

Andy Castagnola, Bob Bahne, Bill Bishop, Brian Bortness, Don Carey, Michael Carey, Garth DeFelice, Marlow Fitzgerald, Joe Greene, Steve Hoslett, Zack Marble, Michael Mothershed, Tm Podraza, Clay Renard Jr., Kevin Rathbun, Brad Yosick, Scott Reilly, Jon Stabile, Mike Weseloh and Chris Wiggins.

In addition to this on-field work, there will be referee and umpire clinics led by some of those listed above on Saturday at LCC. There is no charge for this clinic which, if offered nationally, would cost upwards of $500 to attend. Plus you get fed, but not paid. Do not volunteer at this time. Immediately after the draft we will announce the opportunity to sign up plus all of the detailed information you will need.

College Officiating Classes Begin — If you've been officiating for 5 years and have been successful at the high school level (top 50% in the ratings) then you may want to consider attending our NCAA college officiating classes. The first meeting is this Tuesday May 21st at 6:30 pm at Torrey Pines HS. Meet in the front parking lot on Del Mar Heights Rd beforehand to find the classroom. You can contact me (619) 9213006 or cooversteve@gmail.com if you have any questions about eligibility or the classes.

40/25-Second Play Clock Information - Attached is an easy to read explaination of our new mechanics and the new rules for the use of the 40-Second Play Clock. Much instruction will be based upon this handout which will be included in your instructional materials at the first meeting on July 10th.

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