Weekly Bull 7/5/19

July 5th - SDCFOA Update - Steve Coover

Date: Friday, July 5, 2019, 08:53 AM PDT

First Meeting for the 2019 Season is This Wednesday July 10th — The new meeting location is Challenger Middle School - 10810 Parkdale Avenue, San Diego 92126. Challenger is located 5 minutes west of Mira Mesa High School. Travel west on Mira Mesa Blvd. past Mira Mesa HS until you get to Parkdale and turn right (north) . Packets will be available starting at 6:00 pm and the general meeting will start in the auditorium in the center of the school at 7:00 pm. Featured speaker will be Mike Pereira, former vice president of officiating for the NFL. Officials will get their instructional materials and room assignments at that time.

THE WEEKLY BULL — Each week a bulletin from the SDCFOA Instructional Chair (me... Steve Coover the SDCFOA Instructional Chair), will be sent out via Arbiter to all officials. It will usually arrive on Monday or Tuesday. It is expected that you read and comprehend all that is presented in The Bull so we are all "on the same page". Crew chiefs are expected to emphasize important elements and information from The Bull in their weekly game preparation. The 1st Weekly Bull will be sent out this Monday in advance of the Wednesday meeting (see above).

"Provide the right theatre." - Greg Burks, Big 12 Supervisor of Officials

You will hear me many times throughout the season referring to the "optics" of a particular situation. The term "theatre" is a synonym and it further defines how we should present ourselves, collectively and individually, as we manage the various elements and tasks within the game. We must "prepare ourselves" to move in a smooth and confident manner that portrays skill and accuracy. I suggest you review pages 74-76 on Communication, Field Presence, and Sideline Control which is adapted from the teachings of Mike Weseloh and Tony Corrente. Making a great first impression, treating all participants with respect, demonstrating a love for the game, and gaining the confidence and trust of each head coach, go a long way to being successful each game. When we master our mechanics as a crew, and communicate accurately with words and signals, we can "provide the right theatre" when it comes to a critical measurement, complicated penalty enforcement, or the determination of an important completion or incomplete pass. In each of these cases, hopefully, we "provide the right theatre."

All Questions are True or False

  1. If a player refuses to comply with a game official's directive, the player will be disqualified.
  2. An offensive player cannot commit a spearing foul.
  3. An attempt by B to interfere with A's signals prior to the snap is a live-ball foul.
  4. No foul causes a live ball to become dead.
  5. A player may be withdrawn and re-entered legally during the same dead-ball interval if the period ends during the dead-ball interval.
  6. If a pool of water forces the referee to move the ball for KI's kick, the free-kick lines may be less than 10 yards apart.
  7. A punt may be used for the free kick on a kickoff.
  8. After a safety, unless moved by a penalty, R's free-kick line is K's 30-yard line.
  9. The kickers may not advance a recovered free kick.
  10. A kick ends as soon as RI touches the kick.
  11. A handed ball beyond the neutral zone is considered to be a pass.
  12. A foul that occurs simultaneously with the snap is an exception to the all-but-one enforcement principle.
  13. If a player is blocked out of bounds by an opponent and returns inbounds, at the first opportunity he/she may legally participate.
  14. An inadvertent whistle does not end the down.
  15. If end Al voluntarily goes out of bounds and immediately returns during the down, it is illegal participation.
  16. All fouls by A during the down are enforced from the basic spot.
  17. Fouls that occur after an inadvertent whistle can only be dead-ball fouls.
  18. A foul during a try is not paired with a dead-ball foul to create a double or multiple foul.
  19. Enforcement provisions apply to all player fouls.
  20. Helping the runner carries a 15-yard penalty.


  1. B False 9-5-1g
  2. B False 2-20-1 c, 9-4-3i
  3. B False 9-5-1d, 9-5 PENALTY
  4. A True     2-16-4
  5. A True     3-7-3
  6. B False 6-1-1, 6-1-2
  7. B False 2-24-5, 2-24-8
  8. A True     6-1-1b
  9. A True     4-2-2f, 6-1-6
  10. B False FUNDAMENTAL IV-I , 2-24-2
  11. B False FUNDAMENTAL Vil-3, 2-19-1
  12. A True     FUNDAMENTAL X-3a
  13. A True 9-6-1
  14. B False 4-2-3
  15. A True     9-6-1, 9-6 PENALTY
  16. B False 10—4
  17. A True     4-2-2j, 4-2-3
  18. A True     10-2-6
  20. B False 9-1 PENALTY

Bull 7 5 19
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