Weekly Bull 7/10/02


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation


Registration Instructions For Returning Members

1.      Print name on the top line of the back page.

2.      Fill in the section for social security number.

3.      Fill in section for course # according to the following list:

·          Freeman – 369063

·          Weseloh - 369061

·          M. Downing - 369060

·          Zapolski - 369062

·          D’Angelo – 369058

·          Ables - 369064

4.      Sign and date your form at the bottom.

 Tonight’s Agenda

  1. Introduction of Board members

  2. Introduction of Special Guests

  3. Announcements:

  • Executive Secretary

  • Special Board Election

  • Assignment Sectys

  • Treasurer

  • Instructional Chair

  • Ratings Chair

  • Banquet Chair

  1. Awarding of patches to new regulars

  2. Adjourn to Classrooms

2002 North-South San Diego County All-Star Game

Date:   Friday, July 12, 2002

Time:   Kick-off at 7:30 pm   

Site:     Mesa College

  • Registration

  • New Rules and Program Highlights

  • Commandments for Officiating

New Rules 2002:

  • Block in the Back

  • Fouls committed by defense on any successful try (1 or 2 point) now handled the same.

  • Fumbles and backward passes added to the 8-5-2a safety exception.

Instructional Program Highlights 2002:

  1. Individuals must study and pass the exams!

  2. Classrooms will be free of disruptions, with the exception of assignment secretaries.

  3. Every crew will be professional and personable.

  4. Starting Games by reviewing sportsmanship themes.

  5. Continuation of Pilot program – logging fouls (Line Judge) and monitoring by crew chief.

  6. Defense cutting offensive blocker.

  7. The elimination of the “fumblerooskie” (planned loose ball play in the vicinity of the snapper) has been accepted by the coaches advisory. Stay tuned for the final results soon! The penalty would be a 5 yard penalty from previous spot and loss of down.

  8. Free blocking zone = tackle to tackle and defensive end if outside shoulder of tackle even if the offense uses extremely wide splits. Tight end will be in the zone in tight sets and goal line situations. 

  9. Receivers must be provided an unobstructed path to the ball on all kicks. K must make an attempt to provide such a path to the ball.

  10. Coaches either in the box or in the pressbox.

  11. Action on the middle linebacker (holding/cutting).

  12. High/low scissors blocks.

  13. Consistent ready for play.

  14. Prosthesis needs note from doctor and is then legal, if no more dangerous than the corresponding human limb and there is no advantage/disadvantage.

  15. Game over at 45 points differential after half-time in 8-man football.

Commandments for Officiating 

  1. Good mechanics requires knowledge and physical execution of positions, responsibilities, coverages, and signals. A majority of critical game ratings of officials are based on poor mechanics.

  2. The game is either well officiated by all, or poorly officiated by all. Teamwork and cooperation is essential.  This requires precise verbal communication, eye contact, supporting each other, and every official knowing and doing his job in harmony with others.

  3. The pre-game is very important; it sets the mood for the game. Come prepared, concentrate on the task at hand. Don’t monopolize the conversation with stories and improbable what ifs. Don’t invite friends, relatives, or outsiders to the pre-game.

  4. Make Super Bowl calls only! Use common sense and don’t be technical.

  5. Officials must “box in” the play as much as possible. One official must have sideline responsibility at all times.  One official must be in position to view all player action at all times, especially away from the play or ball action.

  6. Always read the play, then make the call.

  7. Always rule a pass incomplete, if there is ever a question.

  8. Always rule it is a fumble, if there is ever a question.

  9. Be a great dead ball official.

  10. Everyone is a responsible for the clock.

  11. Be decisive when making a call.

  12. Keep the game under control by being on the job. Let the players know that you are there and ready to act if needed.

  13. Blow whistle only when you see the football.

  14. Don’t let haste interfere with good officiating. Never hurry an injured player back on his feet or off the field. In the event of unusual situation, stop the game, review the problem, and communicate with captains and coaches.

  15. Read the formation. Know your eligibles.

  16. Know down and distance. Think and anticipate.

  17.  17.Consistently implement a thorough between-downs routine!  Concentrate!

Bull 7 10 02
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