Weekly Bull 9/18/02


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull - 9/18/02

  1. Attendance CAVs

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. Mechanics Presentations

Session 1: 7:20 - 7:50

Session 11: 8:00 - 8:30

Referee — Room E3 — John Freeman

Umpire - Room E2 — Gene Beck

Head linesman / Line Judge — Library — Scott Reilly & John Downing

Back judge — Room E9 — Bob Duggan

  1. Adjourn 8:30


  1. We are sad to report the loss of one of our Association's all time great officials, Mr. George

Schutte. He passed away quietly on Saturday night and many of our officials attended his services today. He will be remembered for being a great high school and college player, junior college coach, high school official, PAC 10 official, and the instructional chair of our Association. He is the architect of our current instructional program and was the mentor to our major college and professional officials. God bless George Schutte. May he rest in peace. Please let us all stand together in a moment of silence....Our association will honor George each and every week when we work our games to the best of our ability and our CIF finals crews will wear a black ribbon or armband in memory of this wonderful man. In addition, our Association now sponsors the George Schutte memorial award to outstanding individuals who have made huge contributions to our Association. This award will be handed out at our banquet.

  1. Meeting Location Change — Next Meeting Only - the Wed. Oct. 2nd meeting has been moved to Santana High School. 9915 Magnolia Ave. Santee. Two miles east of West Hills at the corner of Mast and Magnolia. Can't miss it!

  2. The Grossmont League freshman coaches will be using the 5th quarter for those who didn't play during the game. Officials are to stay and work the 5 th quarter and will be paid an additional $10.00. Check with the coaches before the game to make sure they are going to use the 5 t quarter so you can fill out your vouchers properly. 20 minute running clock, stopping only for injuries.

  3. If you get a game check made out to another officials, do one of the following: Find the official and have them sign it over, use "innovative" deposit methods, or see Jim Sibbet. DON'T give the check back to the coach or call the financial secretary or AD.

  4. Army-Navy Academy has no dressing facilities for officials. Go dressed, meet on the field, and post game without your stripes on!!

  5. San Pasqual Academy will need to process their payments to officials through the CIF offices. This may cause a delay in getting paid. Thanks for your patience.

Food For Thought:

  1. Ejections — reminder - be slow to eject, process with your referee before you announce your

decision, referees talk with your flanks or your umpire to slow yourself down. Don't be emotional and remember the 15 yard penalty, by itself, is a big one! Report all ejections (Freshman, JV or Varsity) to Steve Coover by phone or email by Monday morning. Please provide the schools, level of the game, number of the ejected, school, and why. Thanks!!

  1. Don't forget your "Sportsmanship Speech"! It starts the game off with a positive message.

  2. What are our signals/mechanics?

  • Signal to referee that the ball is out of bounds. Start the clock on the snap.

  • The ball is in bounds. Start the clock on the ready.

  • Double stakes.

  1. Reminder — Medical Staff at the Contest — We are NOT responsible for making sure medical staff is available before the start of the game. BUT, if during the game, an injury occurs and there is no one to provide emergency aid, then we don't continue the game unless trainer/certified coach or better is available.

  2. Umpires — two of our best involved in collisions with players….can this be avoided? No! Best we can hope for IS to minimize the occurrences. Tips for avoiding the contact????

  3. If the contact is not 100% in the back, or "in the paint", it is not a block in the back. If the action of both players prior to the contact is not observed, do not call a penalty.

  4. 4th and 5 at the R20. Field goal attempt by K. The kick is low and goes into the linemen, striking K lineman's helmet and bouncing back to K 's 40 where RI intentionally kicks the ball as it is rolling on the ground in an attempt to keep K2 from recovering and advancing. R3 falls on the ball at the K49 where he is downed. Ruling: The illegal kick is a loose ball foul. The enforcement spot is the previous spot, 1/2 the distance, 1st and goal for K at the 10-yard line.

  5. 4th and 5 from the R40. Scrimmage kick goes beyond the expanded neutral zone and strikes RI. The ball bounces back behind the line of scrimmage to the K30 and is recovered by K2 who is downed there. Ruling: 1st and 10 for K at the K30. The ball was first touched by the receiving team and then recovered by the kicking team. It does not matter whether the ball is beyond or behind the previous line of scrimmage.

Bull 9 18 02
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