Weekly Bull 9/19/01


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org




  1. Attendance CAV’s – by 7:00

  2. Announcements 7:00 – 7:15

  3. Food for Thought 7:15 – 7:30

  4. Federation Exam Part II (26-50) 7:30 – 8:00

  5. Primary Elections – when they come in….

  6. Mechanics Exam 8:00 – 8:30

  7. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Meeting Date Change: If you haven’t heard next meeting will be Tuesday Oct. 9th! Don’t miss it as we will feature 1 hour of films and Federation Exam 50-75.

  2. Banquet Reminder- See Robin House before/after each meeting and pay your $20 now. It goes up at the door and there are only two more meetings!! You can even mail your check to Robin….

  3. Roster addition – 1st year class Steve Reese.

  4. Last call for officers….if you don’t speak up your stuck with what you had this year! Notify Nathan Weiss by Nov. 1 if interested. The treasurer position has been closed and these interviews are being scheduled.

  5. Charity Fund Pledge Drive. As of 9/12 we have 59 members that have made pledges! The total amount pledged thus far is $2853.00. Thank you and don’t forget that it’s not too late to pledge. See your instructor!!

  6. The Charity Fund Golf Tournament will be held on Nov 14th at Miramar. The proceeds will be added to our Charity Fund so don’t miss fun. Members are encouraged to play in the tournament and then proceed to the Banquet (consider a designated driver if you’re in need). Those interested in signing up should see Charles Washington or Robert Franceschiello (to play/not to have them drive you!)

  7. Primary Board Elections Tonight! Please vote for eight.

  8. The ratings chairman will have the ratings forms for all crew chiefs. Crew Chiefs will distribute to their crews!

  9. There will be a special board meeting at 6:00 on Tuesday the ninth of October with one agenda item the selection of the new treasurer.

Food for Thought:

  1. Coach’s cards continue to be excellent and we are getting a lot of cards! Thank you crew chiefs for getting those out. The following are some of the questions that have come up. Overall the ratings are outstanding….especially with regards to our communication style, professionalism, and positive rapport.

  2. How’s the foul pilot going. Most crews have found that the referee or line judge is the best one to keep track of calls. Feedback is positive so far!

  3. 4-man mechanics – Quarterback rollout hard to flank, two receivers are running routes in you side zone, what are your mechanics? Ruling: Get your eyes off the quarterback as much as possible. Watch for holding, interference, move down field if the receivers are intermediate or deeper. Give up the quarterback to the referee.

  4. Are we seeing more than is there? Are we finding more in a players action than is warranted to deserve a penalty?

  • If a player has sloppy hands, is it holding?

  • If an offensive player has contact in the back with a defensive player, it is clipping? Do we know what the players were doing prior to the contact?

  • If an offensive player is proximal to the back of a defensive player as the ball carrier is being tackled, unless there is a safety issue is it clipping?

  • If the ball carrier is being tackled for no gain or loss of yardage, and an offensive lineman is holding in front of him, should a holding penalty be called?

  • The answer to these questions is: Probably Not!

  1. Markings on the field. Are yard line markers required? No. Especially if the numbers are painted on the field itself.

  2. Locker Room Reminder – Remember, we are guests and many times in the girl’s locker room. The good news about being on the girl’s side is that we are away from the home team afterwards and the facilities are usually clean! The bad news is the showerheads are low and we have to keep the office clean! So, PLEASE, take your cleats off outside and respect the areas. We’ve gotten reports of broken hairdryers and muddy cleats on desktops. Pagano, I know It was you who broke the hairdryer…..just kidding Tony, but, the association will be paying for the damages. Thanks, Guys!

  3. Locked Out – Referees….make sure you have access to the locker room confirmed before the game. Don’t accept promises….If you’re at Mesa or San Diego HS don’t go up without the person with the key….even if they promised you they’d be there!

  4. Others….

Bull 9 19 01
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