Weekly Bull 10/10/07


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 10/10/07


  1. Attendance & CAVs –

  2. Primary Board Elections

  3. Announcements

  4. Food For Thought

  5. 25 Yard line Overtime Procedure

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. November 15th Banquet Reminder – This is a regularly scheduled meeting and a part of the regular instructional program. Attendance counts.  You need to be there, besides you paid for your meal when you paid your dues!

  2. I need stories from this year for our annual awards at the banquet. Please email them to me at: or give them to me in writing at our next meetings. Thanks – Robbin

  3. 4TH Annual Golf Tournament - November 15, 2006 at Balboa Park Fee $100 includes cart. All participants will receive a voucher for a new HIPPO golf club valued at over $100. See Ed Blick or Jake Minger to reserve your foursome. Make checks payable to SD Youth Football Fund. Space Limited! After golf, we hang out at the 19th hole for awhile and beat up the final foursomes as they finish.  After that, it's off to the annual SDCFOA banquet at The Hall of Champions (five minutes away).

  4. Game Check Weekend - October 5, 6 and 7. Contribute a game check in remembrance of Ken Flaherty. Your FUND will match all money received in honor of Ken. Proceeds to go to the charity of Ken's family choice. Make checks payable to SD Youth Football Fund. Your FUND is making a donation to the family of Brian Thomas, the Brawley High School football player who died on September 5, 2006. Thank you for your continued support. Jake Minger

  5. UMPIRES NEEDED Pacific Baseball Umpires invites all San Diego County Football Officials Association Members who would like to Umpire C.I.F. High School Level and Youth Tournament baseball in the 2007 season, please contact Pacific Baseball Umpires at recruiting@pacificbaseballumpires.org Pacific Baseball Umpires welcomes those of you who are inexperienced or experienced. Pacific Baseball Umpires will provide Classroom & Field training at no additional cost to all members. The following current SDCFOA members work games for Pacific Baseball Umpires Mike Allen, Mike McDonald, Mark Kozina, Jim Spink, Neil Turner, Jim Herrera, Tim Fillmore & Mark Graber.

  6. All Exam & Attendance “Make-Ups” – Wednesday November 8 at 6:30 p.m. Room E10

  7. Ratings –Are you keeping up with your responsibility to rate officials. All certified (not 1st or 2nd year) are required to rate.

  8. Final board election at our next meeting 10/25. Final results will be announced at the banquet.

  9. We need a historian. Tom Ables needs to step down from that particular position so anyone who is interested please contact Dick Brockett our secretary.

Food For Thought:

  1. From midfield. QB A12 throws a legal forward pass to A88 who catches it and runs to B's 8 where he is hit and fumbles. The ball rolls into B's endzone and across the sideline. Referee flags B55 for roughing the passer. RULING:

  2. Pass interference – One key that helps you prepare to rule on possible pass interference: Has the defensive back been beaten, in other words, has he lost his position and is now chasing the receiver. When this happens, the official needs to be alert for PI.  This does not mean PI will occur, it just means “look out” the defender is in an inferior position.

  3. Can we have a live ball substitution infraction? Back judge/line judge do not complete their counts in time, they notice a defensive player leaving the field as they finish their count now knowing that the player leaving the field is the 12th  The 12th player does not leave the field in time.  Ruling?  Enforcement?

  4. Team A sends in the punt team so Team B sends in return specialists. Then Team A changes their minds and subs back to their regular offense. Legal?

  5. Team A shifts as wide receiver goes in motion. Foul?

  6. Are the referee and umpire going out with the flanks for the coin toss or are they out in the middle like the colleges? Let’s be consistent.

  7. Poor program short on funds is using cell phones because they don’t have funds for headsets. Legal?

  8. Foul information. Who gets it to whom?  We need to be consistent with this!  Be ready to report info on ALL FOULS!

  9. Many times a coach wants to know what the player did that caused the foul. Don’t exaggerate, and don’t editorialize about the character of the player.  Just give the facts.  Sometimes its as simple as citing the rule…… “your player used an excessive or prolonged act in an attempt to focus attention upon himself.

Bull 10 10 07
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