Weekly Bull 11/7/07


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 11/7/07


  1. Attendance

  2. Final Board Elections

  3. Announcements

  4. Food For Thought

  5. 7-Man Mechanics – Review

  6. Mechanics Test & Rules Test (Final Make Up)

  7. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Reminder, the banquet counts for one meeting and you’ve already paid for it when you paid your dues. So be there and get your meeting credit, as well as having a great time.

  2. Instructors, thank you for your volunteer service this year….you are the best! Please take roll tonight and check on meeting attendance and test make up status.  Please turn in to me your list of those not meeting the requirements for  being draft eligible tonight or via email next week.  Again, thanks for all you do!

  3. Results of tonight’s board election will be announced at the banquet.

  4. Remember to pay your dues NEXT YEAR using the website – sdcfoa.org by downloading all forms, completing them and sending them in with your check. You can start checking the website in March.  We will be emailing a reminder notice in March. You won’t be drafted if you haven’t paid by the draft!  No exceptions! No kidding!

  5. Congratulations Cal Evans and Clay Reynard Jr. who have been selected to work on the field at the State Championship Bowl Games. Looks like Cal may be referee for the Div II game, and Clay will be the BJ on the Big Game Div I!  Also congratulations to Ed Zapolski, John Downing, and Ali Shetula who were nominated but not selected this time.

Food For Thought:

  1. Throwing flags: All flags that are not spot flags should be launched high into the air, straight up. This way everyone knows a foul has been called, it isn’t thrown directly at a player which can be interpreted as the official is “pissed off”, and it also prevents hitting players with the flag.

  2. If the flag is a spot foul, throw the flag at the spot (no players around), or drop it on the appropriate yardline and indicate to the referee and umpire exactly where the foul occurred. Get the spot of the foul correct as it’s possible to missed the spot by several yards if you’re not paying attention.

  3. Spots, spots, spots. Get them accurate and be consistent.  Big plays can come down to a simple mark.  We need to concentrate and be accurate with all marks and progress. 

  4. We continue to get great comments back from coaches. They are very pleased with our communication and hustle.  They are also “reasonably pleased” with our judgment calls.  We’re never going to win this war!!! BUT, we are doing a great job of practicing the axiom, “When in doubt, don’t throw.”!

  5. Whistle control. Please include in every pregame!

  6. Penalty enforcement, referees please continue to review by yourself and with your crew. Get these right!!

  7. 7-Man Mechanics – All semifinals and Finals. Crew chiefs be prepared to teach to your crew!

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