Weekly Bull 10/3/18

Board Elections – This week we will be starting our meeting with all certified officials IN THE GYM – which is located right near the regular classrooms.  While seated in the gym you will be introduced to your fellow officials who have offered to run for a position on our board.  Each candidate will introduce themselves and will share why they are offering their services.  Please give them your full attention.  Immediately after this presentation, we will adjourn to our regular classrooms to (take a make-up test?)  take attendance, review this Bull, share plays of the week, calibrate some fouls, and view the instructional video.  All 1st year and 2nd year officials will start and end the meeting in their regular classrooms.

Meeting Date Change to 10/24 – The next regularly scheduled meeting on 10/17 must be rescheduled  to the following Wednesday 10/24 due to Mira Mesa changing the date of their Fall Open House. This was just shared on Friday so no advance notice was possible.  I apologize for any inconvenience.  So, NO meeting on 10/10 or 10/17.  Next meeting will be 10/24. 

Tim Podraza Inducted Into the Hall of Fame – Tim’s speech was an affirmation of all that we do to provide the best officiating every time we step on the field.  It was wonderful to see the large number of our officials who attended the Banquet honoring Tim.  I think we made up 1/3 of the entire attendance!  Thank you for honoring the game of football and representing our Association so strongly, and so well!

Tim’s Message – We do this for each other and “For the Good of the Association”.  We don’t work hard for ourselves; we work hard so we don’t let down our fellow officials, or our crew.  We don’t want to let down the Association and its high expectations for our work.  If we get something wrong, it must be fixed so we help elevate the work of the crew!  This is not a selfish endeavor, it is an effort “For the Good of the Association!”  Thank you, Tim.

Test Results – I am extremely pleased with the results of the rules and mechanics testing.  It is obvious that we’re preparing and reviewing the summer study guides.  Let’s commit to this level of excellence each and every year.  By the way, don’t forget to take a make-up test this week.  I’ll have room B-3 open for make-up.

Kick Catch Interference – While K14’s punt is in flight beyond the neutral zone, R23 gives a valid fair catch signal, or does not give a signal.  The ball strikes R23’s shoulder pad and bounces high into the air.  While the loose ball is still airborne, K87 pushes R23 in the chest and K87 catches it at that spot.  Ruling: In both cases, the ball is dead when K87 catches it as K may not advance.  There is no foul for kick-catching interference since R23’s protection ended when the kick was touched.  K’s ball 1st and 10 at the spot where K87 caught the muffed kick.

Expanded Neutral Zone – Can it be expanded up to 2 yards into the end zone?  Answer: NO, the neutral zone may be expanded up to a maximum of 2 yards behind the defensive line of scrimmage, in the field of play.  No ineligibles running around in the endzone please - LOLAnniversary Awards – If you are celebrating an anniversary of service to SDCFOA, we want to recognize you at the banquet this year.  If your first year of service is 1999, 1989, or 1979, we want to present you with a “Years of Service” award this year.  Please contact Rick Christensen directly at with your information no later than October 12, 2018. 

Nominations for CA State Playoffs – Congratulations to the following officials who have been nominated to work at State Championship Game.

Referee: Scott Countryman, Jeff Phillips; Umpire: Jay Drewry, Fletcher Calvert; Flanks: Louis Avalos, David Hardage, Ollon Carter, Michael Duggan; Deep Flanks: Jace Carlson, Brian Bortness, Brian Mills, Tyler Lindsay; BJ: Joe Magnuson 

Crew Chiefs, the Weekly Bulletin, and Video - Crew Chiefs are working extra hard this year to communicate with their crew prior to the next game.  Topics include the Weekly Bulletin, the Weekly Instructional Video, and cut ups from their previous game.  This is a huge time commitment so I hope the crew is pitching in and participating.  We must get better each week!

Inside 5 minutes – I observed several games where the final 3-5 minutes of either half became “pressure cooker.”  Let’s prepare to match this intensity with our own internal communication, or maybe a code word or just a reminder on the radios.  Our focus must be clear and our minds sharp.  Obviously we officiate every play in the game like it’s the last “game winning” play, but sometimes we need a re-set as we prepare for action at this critical time in the game!

The Use of the Whistle – It is our local, state and national mechanic to not blow our whistles unless we see the ball in possession, and progress stopped or the player down by rule.  We do not want inadvertent whistles, but when the player is down and you see the ball in his possession, please blow your whistles – loud – and not staccato!

Communication with Players and Coaches – Communicating with players is like communicating with the coaching staffs.  What you say to players is going to be repeated to the coaches.  Please respond to players with facts, or the rule, or “I saw the block and it was close but legal.”  “I was focused on other action on that play, I’ll watch for that foul.” Explain to coaches that “Coach we just saw the play differently.”  “I hear you, I understand.” “What did you see?”  Remember, positive and proper communication starts as we arrive at the school.  Be professional from the time you park your car – Be a Mike Weseloh when it comes to communication!!!

Communication Within the Crew – Feedback from the observers has been very complimentary in this area.  Not only are we communicating consistently and accurately with our supplemental hand signals, we have been very loud and vocal in our communication.  Each individual on the crew can do enormous good for the crew as a whole by participating vocally on every play…down, distance, my goal line, your goal line, the status of the ball relative to the 5-yard mark on the chains, double stakes, wind, no wind, the clock is hot, when to hack relative to the final 25 seconds of the half or game, …the list goes on and on.  Keep yourself and the crew alert on each and every play by communicating loudly and consistently.

CIF San Diego Section Playoff Dates – Planning ahead?  Here are the dates:

Friday November 2nd – First Round for Divisions I, II, III, IV and V (OPEN Division BYE)

Friday November 9th – Quarterfinals for Divisions I, II, III, IV and V (Open Division Semifinals)

Friday November 16 – Semifinals for Divisions I, II, III, IV and V

Saturday November 17 – Open Division Finals at Southwestern College

Friday November 23 – Finals for Divisions II, IV at Southwestern College

Friday November 23 – Finals for Division V at TBA

Saturday November 24 – Finals for Divisions I and III at Southwestern College

California State Bowl Championships

Friday and Saturday November 31 and December 1 – Regional Championships

Friday and Saturday December 7 and December 8 – State Championships at Cerritos College

October 3 2018
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