Weekly Bull 11/13/18

Spalding Football – Any legal Spalding football will do!  A Spalding football must be used on every snap.

Playoff Film – Thanks to the coaches we received film from every quarterfinal game last week.  I’ll try to replicate that again this week.  There are always calls and mechanics that we will want to evaluate, celebrate, and improve upon!

Semifinal Games this Friday – Check the newspaper for a game near you.  These are usually the best games of the season…many, many times a better game than the finals!  Come watch some of our best officials work their butts off and support their efforts.  If you arrive with the crew you may enter with the crew (offer to log fouls!)  Otherwise our passes do not work for the semifinals.

Open Division Championship Game This Saturday at Southwestern College – Be on the alert as the game may be moved back to 7:30 pm.  We will again have our section in the EZ of the stadium but we will not be offering any food or beverages.  Please note that the parking is $10 so carpool!  I still have $5.00 tickets for officials so let me know if you need some.  Working officials will be receiving parking passes and credentials at the 7-Man Mechanics Meeting on Wednesday 11/14 at Mira Mesa High School.  Chain crew members and timer will receive their Credential and parking pass via the mail.

7-Man Mechanics Meeting – Wednesday 11/14 (tomorrow) at 7:00 pm.  Referees will meet in room B-2 at 6:00 pm.  Everyone will be meeting at 7:00 pm in the Library in the middle of the school.  Chain crew and timers do not attend.

Congratulations College Officials – the following officials were selected to work the 1st Week of the post-season – Congratulations SDCFOA members:

Junior College Bowl Games

Jeff Phillips

Jay Drewry

Michael Harvey

Terry Bernard

Doug Suhl

Eric Stoffers

Brian Mills

Tony Sands

Junior College State Playoff Games

Ed Zapolski

Ron Gillenberg

Greg Covington

John Gill III

Tony Shaw

Alex Spanos All-Star Game – Just in case you go into football withdrawals, you should put the Alex Spanos All-Star Game into your calendar.  This year it will be held on Saturday, December 15th at 6:00 pm at Mesa College.  The crew for the game has been announced and congratulations go to:

Referee – Robin House

Umpire - Miles Bailey

Head Linesman - Lori Stratton

Line Judge – Tony Nelson

Field Judge – Scott Carroll

Side Judge – JJ Stavola

Back Judge – Jordan Graves

Final Thoughts – for the Good of the Association – As much as we always strive for perfection, the best we can do is excellence.  I want to thank each of you and the Association in general (Board, Crew Chiefs, Officers, and College and NFL officials) for an excellent year!  We’ve all put in countless hours in preparation, during the game, and in post-game evaluations.  We’ve found new ways to improve yet didn’t forget to celebrate some of our best efforts.  We’ve once again shown our sincere love for the game, and commitment to our fellow officials and crewmates.  Together we screwed up a few times too many, but always managed to keep focused and get back on the right track.  Through our determined efforts, we provided the absolute best service to the CIF and its member schools, teams, players and coaches.  The 2018 season was epic and I can’t wait to see the semifinalist go at this Friday night.  Then Saturday night we get to watch the Open Division Finals.  Remember to take a few weeks off, rest, and be ready to come back even stronger for the 2019 Season!  Thank you for all that you do for high school sports!

November 13 2018
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