Weekly Bull 10/11/00


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

THE WEEKLY BULL – 10/11/00


  1. Attendance/ Roll Books/ CAV’s

  2. Announcements

  3. Food for Thought

  4. 25-yard line overtime procedure

  5. Final Elections

  6. All Exam “Make Ups” – Wednesday November 1 at 6:30 p.m. Room 250

  7. Adjourn 8:30

 Crew Chiefs & Instructors:

  1. Sibbet & Assignments

  2. Review of Tonight’s Agenda (see above)

  3. Attendance – The following were absent 9/27:


Weseloh – Andrews

Van Zant – Calderon, Carvajal, Daniels, Ferguson, Koran, Mayabb



  1. Due to conflicts with the regular instructional program agendas, all Exam “Make-Ups will be administered by Coover and Ferguson on Wednesday November 1 at 6:30 p.m. Room 250. If you scored below 80% or were absent on the night the exam was given, you must make up the exam to be eligible for games next year. This applies to both the rules and the mechanics exams. If you have a serious scheduling conflict and can’t attend that evening please put in writing to Coover and he will handle it.

  2. Banquet reminder – See Mike Pfeiffer before each meeting or Robin House after each meeting and pay your $15 now. It goes up at the door and there are only three more meetings!! You can even mail your check to Robin…

  3. Rating Forms – Are you keeping up? Will you be ready to turn your completed form into Mr. Inskeep at the banquet? Remember, crew chiefs, you are responsible for getting your crew to complete their forms and turn them in! The penalty for the official not completing the form is no playoff games next year! We don’t want this to happen to anyone!!!!

  4. Each year the Association advertises openings for the position of Assignment Secretary, Instructional Chair, Executive Secretary and Treasurer. If you are interested in being considered for one of these positions you must submit your name in a letter to Nathan Weiss by February 2001 Board meeting.

  5. This year’s CIF playoff dates: 1st round Fri Nov. 17th, Quarterfinals Fri and Sat Nov 24th & 25th, Semi-Finals Fri & Sat Dec 1st & 2nd, Div IV Finals Fri Dec, 8th and Div I-III Finals Sat Dec 9th. It is required that all crew members must indicate to me, preferably in writing, any of the above dates that they are unavailable. This unavailability should include both afternoons and evenings. If the crew members indicated that they are unavailable on one of the above dates on their original registration forms, they should re-state the same. The first year instructors should also ask their class regarding availability for the semi-finals and final dates for chain crew assignments.

Food for Thought:

  1. Inadvertent Whistles – These are some common errors (we’ve all been there) and we need to be disciplined individually and as a crew!!!

Punt play and the first wave of tacklers seems to have the runner down. In an eagerness to protect the runner a whistle is sounded as the runner breaks free. Ruling: Get on the whistle and kill the play, admit the inadvertent whistle and get on with the game.

Punt play and the receiver who is back, waves for a fair catch. Just as he is making the “catch” the official bows his whistle to protect the receiver. BUT, the ball slips through the arms of the receiver and is loose on the ground as the whistle is blowing. Ruling: don’t guess, don’t anticipate! See the ball, in possession, and downed before you blow your whistle.

EXCEPTIONS: One-sided blowouts and the teams are after each other. Nothing good is going to happen if the game is one-sided and intense and you not using your whistle to let players know to end their contact. At that point, you are maintaining control. Use your whistle and explain if there is an inadvertent. Remember to concentrate on proper whistle control at the beginning of your next game! Don’t develop a bad habit.

  1. Incomplete screen pass that crosses the neutral zone with ineligible linemen downfield. Ruling: Penalty. The Umpire has got to get to the line and anticipate this call, knowing the location of the neutral zone and the location of the players.

  2. Quarterback is back to pass and a B player grabs the quarterback’s facemask, and twists and pulls it during the loose ball portion of the play. The pass is completed for a 25-yard gain. Ruling: Foul during a loose ball play, the basic enforcement spot is the previous spot. If A accepts the penalty for the facemask, it will result in a 15-yard penalty from the previous spot. A will most likely decline the penalty.

  3. One of the teams runs a slip screen to the wide receiver coming back toward the ball behind the line. The receiver, after catching the ball, is contacted by a defender. He pitches the ball forward to number 79, who is behind the neutral zone, as he is being tackled. Ruling: penalty for illegal touching.

Everyone is holding. Don’t panic. The coaches know it, teach it, yet will complain about it. Don’t panic. Call holding if a player on offense is pulling another player away from the direction in which he is trying to proceed, or he has encircled an opponent with his arms, or the offensive player is beaten and is holding as a last ditch effort. There needs to be separation. Simply blocking the B players by holding their jersey to control their movement, unless blatant, is not enough.

  1. 4th and 25. Short scrimmage kick crosses the neutral zone by about ten yards after being partially blocked at the point of the kick in the backfield. R is the first to touch the ball beyond the NZ. R muffs the ball and K recovers. Ruling: New series for K even though the ball has been recovered behind the line to gain.

  2. What are we doing about not being momentarily within 15 yards of the ball between the ready for play signal and the snap? Bob D’Angelo

  3. New blocking technique – If the defense grabs the jersey of the offensive lineman, the offensive lineman uses both hands and arms to knock down the arms of the defensive lineman. Usually the defensive lineman will fall down on his face and it will look like the offensive lineman is holding him down, Ruling: Legal and no foul.

  4. Signals – Slow them down, keep them crisp, and everyone relays time out.

  5. Make sure you are turning in your ejections to Coover. Varsity, JV ad Frosh!

  6. Quick passes to the side zones – flanks make the call. Everyone signals and helps out. Are we looking at the actual yard lines to make sure of our judgement? Check the feet of the passer and the receiver.

  7. How are the sidelines? Be diplomatic and get help from an assistant. But don’t worry so much about the sidelines that we’re communicating to the coach that we’re more worried about the sidelines than we are about the game.

13 QB is sacked in the end zone, then is roughed. Ruling: the enforcement spot for the dead ball foul is the succeeding spot (the 20). The free kick will be from the 35.

  1. Others…..

Bull 10 11 00
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