Weekly Bull 9/13/06


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 9/13/06


  1. Attendance/Announcements/Food For Thought: 7:00 – 7:35

  2. Mechanics Presentations 7:45 – 8:30

          Referee – Chris Wiggins (room E10)

          Umpire – Ali Shetula (room E9)

          Head linesman/Line Judge – Mike Duggan & Clay Reynard (TBD)

          Back judge – Jason Floquet (E3)

  1. Adjourn 8:30


  1. From the Executive Secretary to the membership - any certified official not wanting to appear on the election ballot should let Dick Brockett know.

  2. Anyone who needs to be excused from the attendance or test requirement must make a written application to the board via the Executive Secretary no later than the February board meeting.

Food For Thought:

  1. Be alert for hard shifts on 3rd/4th down and short. Also, who has the QB head-bob?

  2. Ejections – reminder - be slow to eject, process with your referee before you announce your decision, referees talk with your flanks or your umpire to slow yourself down. Don’t be emotional and remember the 15 yard penalty, by itself, is a big one!  Report all ejections (Freshman, JV or Varsity) to Jim Sibbet by phone or email by Monday morning.  Please provide the schools, level of the game, number of the ejected, and reason for ejection.  Thanks!!

  3. Play: The ttight end will start off in an unbalanced look where he is covered up by the split end. After the QB yells shift, the tight end shifts to the other side of the line where he is now a legal receiver.  Is this legal?  Ruling: It depends on if the tight end (tackle) has placed his hand on or near the ground after the ball has been ruled ready for play.

  4. New gloves. Have you seen the new gloves with the tacky surface?  Ruling legal.  Most of them are produced by Nike or Under Armor and they have the required NFHS/NCAA label on the box and on a label deep inside the body of the glove.

  5. 4-man punt mechanic – What does the umpire do? The umpire no longer has the sideline. Stay in the middle and rotate following the kick and cover the kick action from the back side and inside-out.

  6. 4-man mechanics has the referee on the side of the QB’s throwing hand just like 5-man. Is this correct?


  1. Hawthorne

  2. Herrera

  3. Covington

  4. Evans

  5. Harvey

  6. Nealy

  7. Ricks

  8. San Nicolas

  9. Terry

  10. Gillenberg

  11. Harmon

  12. Poorelc

  13. Trimble

  14. Wright

  15. Leon

  16. Murphy

  17. Schmidt

  18. Gaines

  19. Mendez

  20. Molinary

  21. Moore

  22. Parga

  23. Perrecone

  24. Battle

  25. Cianci

  26. Crawley

  27. Freeman

  28. Kozina

  29. Miles

  30. Sibbet, Jim

  31. Angel

  32. Brown, Bryan

  33. Davis

  34. Desantis

  35. Duarte

  36. Henry

  37. Segobia

  38. Williams, Michael

  39. Tennison

  40. Jones, Sylvania

  41. Mason


  1. Becker

  2. Terry

  3. DeSantis

  4. Harvey

  5. Brown, Bryan

  6. Donovan

  7. Hamsayeh

  8. Isham, Jeff

  9. Phillips, Joshua

  10. Cianci

  11. McIntyre

  12. Pittman

  13. Sabbs

  14. Sibbet, Jim

  15. Baily

  16. Mendez

  17. Moore

  18. Molinary

Bull 9 13 06
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