Weekly Bull 11/18/11

San Diego County Football Officials Association Memo

To:        Crew Chiefs, Head Coaches, and Athletic Directors

CC:       SDCFOA Instructors & Staff

From:    Steve Coover, Instructional Chair SDCFOA

Date:    11/18/11

Re:       Final Weekly Bulletin #13

Final Weekly Bulletin

I hope these bulletins have helped, in some small way, to keep us all informed of situations that come up during the season and helped us stay on the same page.  If you have suggestions on how we might make this bulletin better, please let me know and I’ll try to incorporate new ideas into this email and our instructional program for the officials.  Congratulations to all teams, coaches and officials for “giving your all” this season and providing the best opportunities for our student athletes.  Good luck to those chosen to be in the playoffs and have a great Thanksgiving.

Playoff Fees

First rounds – Referee $73 all others $71

Semifinals – Referee $76 all others $72

Finals – All officials $80

Chain Crew – Semifinals = $39 – Finals = $44

Piling On

We’ve seen a few too many instances of players “piling on” at the end of the play.  Because these actions usually happen in the open and are obvious fouls, we are compelled to throw for a late hit.  Jumping on the top of a large pile of players is not much of a safety issue, but it is so clearly late that a flag must be thrown.

Dead Ball Enforcements – Be Careful of First Downs

Third and 10 for the offense at the defense's 40 yard line.  The runner advances to the 35 yard line where he is downed.  After the ball is dead, a defensive player unnecessarily knocks down a offensive player and a defensive player retaliates with a hard shove.

RULING:  All dead ball fouls are enforced in the order that they occur.  The penalty for the defensive foul is enforced first because it happened first and it leaves the ball at the defense’s 20 yard line where the offense is awarded a first down.  The penalty for the retaliation of the offensive player is then enforced back to Team B's 35 yard line, first and 10 for Team A.

Running Clock

Remember, no running clock before the 4th quarter UNLESS both coaches agree.  Do not take it into your own hands to begin running the clock.  Thank you.

Bull 11 18 11
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