Weekly Bull 7/20/11


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The Weekly Bull – 7/20/11


  1. Attendance & New Registration (as needed)

  2. Bull – Announcements and Food For Thought 7:00 – 7:30

  3. Federation Exam Part I (Questions 1-50) 7:30 – 8:15

  4. Video 8:15 – 8:45

  5. Adjourn 8:45


  1. All certified officials can attend next week’s meeting (7/27) and take the Mechanics Exam at either of two locations – SDCOE or Cathedral Catholic High School. There will be the same video study at both locations so you choose the site that is most convenient to you.

  2. Next week is the Mechanics Qualification Exam (7/27). You can’t become certified or get drafted unless you pass this minimal qualification exam.  Print yourself a copy of the Mechanics Manual and study the responsibilities for every position.  You need to know all positions, not just the one you usually work!!

  3. 1st and 2nd year classes will meet next week exclusively at SDCOE (the usual location).

  4. Remember; recycle good used uniforms and auxiliary items to the 1st year class. They will begin buying new uniforms in August.

  5. The Greater New Orleans Football Officials Association, under the leadership of Gary Baylor who started his officiating career here with the SDCFOA 30-some years ago, asked his group if they would be interested in donating their old knickers to the 1st year class here in San Diego since they are all going to black pants for all games. I guess it proves we're all brothers in stripes.

Food For Thought:

New Mercy Rule for All High School Football Games in San Diego

  1. During the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters, by mutual agreement of the opposing coaches and the referee, a “running clock” may be used if the point differential between the two teams reaches 35 or more;

  2. If at the start of the 4th quarter or at any time during the fourth quarter, the point differential is 35 or more points, a running clock shall be used for the remainder of the contest;

  3. Once the “running clock” is in effect during the 4th quarter, it shall remain in effect for the balance of the contest, even if the team that is behind subsequently scores to make the deficit less than 35 points;

  4. The “running clock” will be administered as follows:

  5. The game clock will start with the snap or legal touch of a free kick on the first play following the establishment of the pertinent point differential, and continue to run uninterrupted when:

  • A 1st down is awarded to either team, including following a change of possession;

  • The ball or runner is out-of-bounds;

  • A legal or illegal forward pass is incomplete;

  • A play results in a touchback;

  • An inadvertent whistle occurs;

  • During all penalty enforcements.

  1. The game clock shall be stopped for:

  • The end of a period;

  • A score (including touchdown; try; field goal; safety);

  • The free kick following a fair catch or awarded fair catch;

  • A charged team time-out;

  • A coach-referee conference;

  • An official’s time-out (injury; equipment; 1st down measurement; other, as required);

  1. Following a stoppage for any reason in B. above, the game clock will start when the ball is next:

  • Marked ready-for-play; or

  • Legally touched on the free kick following a score, a fair catch or awarded fair catch

Bull 7 20 11
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