Weekly Bull 9/15/11 

San Diego County Football Officials Association Memo

To:        Crew Chiefs, Head Coaches, and Athletic Directors

CC:       SDCFOA Instructors & Staff

From:    Steve Coover, Instructional Chair SDCFOA

Date:    9/15/11

Re:       Weekly Bulletin #3

Equipment Violations

We are now entering week 3 of the season and there should be a minimum of equipment/adornment violations.  Crews must continue to use a portion of the warm up time before the game to assist and correct any violations.  Kids can invent new decorations on a weekly basis so we need to be consistent.  It’s all the coaches ask for! Thank you.

The Trouble with These Bulletins

There are times that I bring up an issue in the bulletin and then I PRAY that we don’t go out on the field looking for that foul or situation.  The horse collar foul was one of those times two years ago.  We learned the new rule and then, sure enough, we had a “rash” of horse collar flags.  That has corrected itself.  Now I hope there is clarity on the topic of spearing or launching.  Last week I tried to describe this foul that seldom occurs but is a very dangerous act.  I want to repeat, it seldom happens.  The player must “initiate contact ….with the top of the helmet.”  In addition, the hit is conducted with the crown of the helmet, the hit is devastating, and the offender leaves his feet to launch.  Again, almost never happens…thank God.  In almost all legal tackles, the player may be using the helmet, but is also using other portions of the arms or shoulders in connection with the helmet to make a legal tackle.  Being a former DB I don’t want injustice being handed out to this noble group!!!

Ronald Reagan Commemorative Coin Toss

Information is being distributed to schools that describe a commemorative coin toss for the week of September 23rd.  If the home team brings out a coin for the referee to use, please fully participate in every way.  The public address announcer will read a prepared statement that honors our former president and his love for the game of football. 

Down Field Laterals (backwards passes)

This is a most difficult play to officiate.  Originally it was a part of the veer or wishbone offense run extremely well.  The QB would fake to the fullback, then keep the ball and turn up field.  The pitch/option halfback would keep his relationship with the QB who would continue to have the option of pitching to him farther down field.  This pitch was very hard for the flank to be in the proper position to rule forward (illegal forward pass) or backward (legal).  Now we have the Hook and Ladder play.  This is used primarily at the end of the half or game in a last ditch attempt to score.  It usually ends up being even MORE DIFFICULT to officiate than the option pitch as it is farther down field.  The flanks, back judge, and the umpire should be observing this play and have a ruling on the legality of any lateral (backward pass).

Email plays to Hudl

I know this is a repeat statement from last week’s bulletin, but just in case you forgot how to share plays with our officials you’d have the info in two different bulletins.  We are really beginning to collect and share a rather large library of plays and cut ups.  Thank you for this very important visual evidence regarding our judgement.  Video DON’T LIE!!

Our football officials association has successfully transitioned from Digital Sports Video to Hudl.com.  Our association is listed as San Diego County Officials.  We are already receiving cut ups and hope that schools and coaches continue to offer us exchanges of video which will help our officials improve.  You need to know that we feature video at every single meeting to drive home officiating philosophies, rules application, and safety issues.  Your video helps so please post it to our account on Hudl!!

Bull 9 15 11
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