Weekly Bull 10/12/16


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

THE WEEKLY BULL - October 12, 2016 

Meeting This Week - We will all be meeting Wednesday 10/12 at Santana – Crew Chiefs and Instructors will meet at 6:15 with the regular meeting beginning at 7:00 pm.  1st and 2nd year officials will meet at 7:00 in their regular classrooms.  All certified officials will meet at 7:00 in the Basketball Gym.  We will be introduced to the candidates for the 4 openings on next year’s board.  We will then vote as a preliminary vote before we have the final vote at our 10/26 meeting.  Again, all 1st year, 2nd year and transfers will stay in their classrooms.  They do not vote.  

Attendance and Tests - Check your attendance this week to make sure you’re meeting the 9 required meetings (including your position Clinic and the banquet!)  Also – Retests and make ups of mechanics and rules tests will also be offered at this week’s meeting… and the 10/26 regular meeting… plus the 11/2 make up meeting!

Shaking hands Part II – We had a team refuse to shake hands. Unbelievable.  Remember, stop the coin toss.  Leave the captains with the umpire and seek the support of the head coach in resolving the situation.  If no resolution, finish coin toss and report to me. Another example of why this game needs great officials!!!

Working JV Games – I remember working so amazing JV games and being physically and mentally exhausted at the end.  Then I realized I had a varsity game to work!  It was very tough to remain focused and at peak performance when this happened.  Time to dig deep!  Just remember, when the JV game starts, we’re on as a varsity crew.  Judgments and perceptions begin at that game.  Will a perceived prejudice carry over to the varsity game?  Is this crew calling an abundance of fouls?  Missing fouls?  We must be aware of these perceptions and be on our game during the JV game well before the varsity game begins.  That extra effort contributes the exhaustion that can be felt when the JV game ends.  Always be aware of the varsity head coach’s presence during the JV game.  He’s watching his JV but he’s also watching you!  Be professional and be impressive.  Speak only when spoken to.  Be friendly yet professional and purposeful.  Demonstrate your concentration and effort toward the JV game and its coaches and players.  This extra effort to be “on stage” and “at our best” during the JV game will go a long way toward a positive and professional reputation with all coaches.

Filling Out Forms – Just heard from a school that could not make out the writing on the forms so processing the payment to the crew was impossible.  Please write clearly! Thank you.

Uniforms – We continue to “fix” uniform issues as we play.  Thank you for keeping our kids properly equipped.  I did receive feedback about Santa Fe Christian and Bishops who had many players with pants that were above the knees.  Pulling down became futile.  I am now noticing the coach and CIF regarding this unsafe situation.  I have now contacted four different schools to follow up on reported gross violations.  We continue to move forward on this issue and will make steady progress in assuring our players are properly equipped.  No, we did not penalize the coach…yet.

Game Check Weekend for SD Youth Football Fund - October 21 and 22. Last year we had 14 crews participate, and 75 total officials contribute a total of $3,883! We have set a fund raising goal for this weekend of $5000, with at least 20 of our 37 crews participating, 150 total members being a part of our efforts.  While $5,000 sounds like a lot, if 200 members donated $25 each, not even half of a Pop Warner game, we would get there. Crew Chiefs, please get involved.  Work with your crew to achieve a minimum $25 contribution per man.  If we can get the crews to do that, we are at our goal.  

Donations for Game Check weekend can be made by cash, checks payable to SDYFF or by visiting the San Diego Youth Football Fund website (linked to at SDCFOA.org).  Once on the SDYFF site payment can be made via PayPal on the Donations page.  Checks and cash can be given to your crew chief, Mike Downing or Jake Minger.  Any questions, contact Jake.

The SDYFF will buy the crew who contributes the most during this weekend a full crew dinner after your game on November 4th, up to $30/official! That’s more than the $25/official we are requesting, so drive the bus to be the best, and we’ll take care of your dinner that night!! Last year’s winning crew came from Bob Hood with a total crew donation of $506, a mighty fine goal for your crew in 2016!! Officials not on crews are also being begged to participate, even add more than the $25.  Let’s make this work. We have donated more than $25,000 over the past 5 years.

SDYFF Golf Tournament – This majestic fundraising event will be held on 11/16/16 at Riverwalk.  We have 40 spots open.  Players should check with Ed Blick, Mike Downing or Jake Minger.  Payment can be made by cash, check payable to SDYFF or by visiting the San Diego Youth Football Fund website (Golf page).

Drop Kick – We can still drop kick a kick off and we continue to demonstrate confusion within our ranks.  This is the 4th notice on this topic going back two years. Kicker can pick ball up from tee and drop kick it.  The 25 second clock is running when we mark the ball ready for play but the kicker just needs to put the ball in play within a yard of the designated spot.

October 12 2016
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