Weekly Bull 12/23/16

It’s Never too Soon to Recruit! – Congratulations to Moses Moreno for this excellent story on his life as a football player turned football official.  I know Moses’s intent is to create interest in officiating so we can begin to recruit new officials for next year.  We surveyed our new officials last year and found that, once again, the largest number of officials came from be invited into officiating by you, our current members!  Keep up the great work and keep recruiting from now until September.  Just have them visit our website at www.sdcfoa.org and look for the New Officials under General Information.  Here’s the link to the Moreno article:


CA State Championships – Congratulations to Ed Zapolski and Scott Countryman who were on the crew for the Open Division championship game between Concord De La Salle and St. John Bosco.  Also congrats to Jacob Wittler and Greg Covington for their excellent work on the line of scrimmage of the San Clemente vs Del Oro game.  Both games were the featured games on Saturday night and our guys really represented well.  Also on Saturday night the San Diego crew of Jeff Phillips, Fletcher Calvert, Matt Starr, Mike Duggan and Zack Marble worked the Mclymonds (Oakland) vs La Jolla Country Day championship played at LJCD.  Another great job by our SD officials.  Then there were Victor Hawthorne, Brian Mills and Brian Bortness who worked with Jeff Phillips and Fletcher Calvert on the CA SoCal Regional Championship game at fabled Veterans Stadium in Long Beach between St. Anthony’s and Yorba Linda.  Thank you all for representing our association so well!

Off Season Goals – Reflect on your season.  How did you improve?  What new elements or routines did you successfully implement?  How were you as a crew member?  What did you “Bring to the Table”?  Now is the time to start developing new goals for last year while you pat yourself on the back for a good job this year! Continue with fitness efforts.  Get your annual physical and ask for a reasonable target weight if the need exists.  Getting medical assistance with your fitness effort is a good idea as an MD can be more objective sometimes!  Stay in the rule book.  Take a small dose each week.  The Redding Study Guide can provide a fresh and different presentation of our rules that includes the case book situations.

And Finally, Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season and New Year to You All!!  We are so blessed to be together each season and develop new, lasting friendships along the way. May each of you and your families enjoy the season. And may our 37 Crew Chiefs continue to be the “Backbone of Our Association”.  Thank you for a hugely successful season which was directly related to your dedication and hard work!  Love you guys! - Steve

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