Weekly Bull 8/25/10


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 8/25/10


  1. Attendance

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. Video #3

  5. Rules Test – Passing Score will be 70 correct!

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Ratings procedures for 2010…did you read Duggan’s email?....same as before and remember the BEST score is a seven (7) and the LOW score is a one (1).  All evaluations require comments for a score of 3, 2, or 1 for performances that are below expectations.

  2. Remember, DON”T arbitrarily block Saturday youth football games! The following is a part of the Association's Assignment Policies and Procedures:

"All probationary, transfer, additional and certified officials are expected to be available to officiate youth football games.  Failure to do so may result in an official being declared ineligible to be assigned to any playoff games during the current season."  "Members not satisfactorily participating in the officiating of youth football games during the current season (excludes spring and summer leagues) may be declared ineligible to be assigned to any playoff games during the current season.  The Assignment Secretary shall prepare a list of these members and present it to the Board by November 1.  The named officials will be notified and will be required to submit a letter to the Board explaining why he or she could not satisfactorily participate in the officiating of youth football games.  The Board will then decide if the official's playoff assignment privilege should be reinstated."

  1. Next meeting will feature mechanics break out sessions led by some our Associations best at their position. If you are on a crew, please attend the session for the position that you will be primarily working for your crew….per your crew chief!  Here are the assignments and room numbers:

Referees – Steve Coover – Room 301

Umpires – Marlow Fitzgerald – Room 306

Head Linesman – Mike Duggan – Room 402

Line Judge – Dave Hardage & Sean Ciemiewicz – Room 401

Back Judge – John Isham – Room 304

  1. Coaches Cards are now available for download. Go to SDCFOA website and look under Educational Resources and then look under Mechanics.  Just follow the directions on the card!  Remember, coaches and the association will continue to communicate with email, not the “old” coaches card.

  2. We’ve discovered that the SDCOE has a board policy prohibiting the sale of merchandise anywhere on the property (including the parking lot). So, we will no longer be visited by vendor’s selling uniforms or officiating equipment.  Please check our website to order equipment and supplies from these same vendors via mail, email or phone.  Sorry!

Food For Thought:

  1. No cutting in shotgun – just a reminder

  2. Everyone pick up and relays signals…especially “stop the clock.” Start the season with good habits and you will reap the benefits later.

  3. Whistle control. Inadvertent whistles generally happen early in the season and late in the season.  Don’t let it happen.  See the ball, in possession, and down….. or don’t blow your whistle.  Don’t guess!  Don’t anticipate! Review the rules regarding Inadvertent whistles.

  4. Eye shields - a doctor's note does not supersede the rule regarding tinted or reflective eye shields. All eye shields must be clear and permit 100% (no tint) allowable light transmission.

  5. New rule 2010 regarding casts – Dr.’s note is no longer needed to determine that the cast is in place to protect an injury. No note necessary any more!! But, it must be properly padded.

  6. Also new clarification on equipment – unaltered knee braces, when worn properly under the pants, do not need any additional covering or padding, even if there are exposed metal hinges. Again, when unaltered, and worn properly, no additional padding is necessary.

  7. Adornment – get it off early…scrimmage (inform) 1st game (enforce in pre-game). Then keep enforcing.  Some things to consider:

    1. Spats – if they are part of a tape job over the shoes to protect and injury, then they are OK (ruling from CA rules interpreter). If they are socks pulled down over shoes they are adornment.

    2. Wrist bands – worn at the wrist are OK…not skinny ones worn at the bicep. Never worn around the neck or legs.

    3. No jewelry.

    4. No Livestrong-type bracelets – could be dangerous.

    5. No words on towels or facemasks or heavily taped facemasks. All just adornment.

  8. Illegal equipment – rule of thumb – unless you know the rule and know that it is illegal, let it go and check with me the next day. Don’t guess or suspect that “it must be illegal.”  If you are not sure of the rule….don’t guess.  In other words…..KN0W THE RULES!  USE GOOD JUDGEMENT IN ENFORCING THEM.

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