Weekly Bull 8/12/09


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 8/12/09


  1. Attendance

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. Finish Federation Qualification Exam Part I

  5. Film Study

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Federation Qualification Exam Quiz – Next meeting - August 26th – Again, 70% correct passes. Good luck!

  2. 1st year, 2nd year will meet next week August 19.

  3. Scrimmages are less than two weeks away! You want to look good out there.  Don’t forget to start some running and a fitness routine of some sort.  Fatigue makes us look bad, and an overweight official is at a disadvantage right off the bat when the coach sees you before the game.

  4. Need to make up the mechanics exam? See Coover in room 303.

  5. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR SDCFOA MEMBERS - The SDCFOA has made arrangements with Oakley to allow our members to receive special rates (typically, more than 50% off retail prices) on their sunglasses and other products.  In order to receive the discounts, all orders must be placed via a special website (usstandardissue.com).  To sign-up for this benefit, send an email to Sean Ciemiewicz at and he will respond with specific instructions and additional information.  If you sign-up, you are not required to purchase anything from the site or from Oakley.

  6. When should I disqualify myself from working a particular team due to conflict of interest? Some examples are: recently graduated from that school (5-10 years depending on your “Star Status”); children/grandchildren/close relative attends that school; work in that school; work in that district (conflict when playing another district); other????  When in doubt, block that team!  There are plenty of great teams to work, you don’t want to answer the question of bias because of a real or perceived conflict of interest….you’re guilty until proven innocent…don’t do it!!  If you need help in how to block a team contact any of the three assignors.

Food For Thought:

  1. Receiver Out of Bounds, Inbounds, Touchdown,

    Play: Fourth and goal on team B's 15 yardline. Eligible receiver A1intentionally runs to a position one yard beyond the endline and stops. Quarterback A2 throws a legal forward pass toward A1.  When the ball is just about to A1, A1 leaps into the air, bats the ball to teammate A3 and lands on the ground beyond the endline, A3 catches the batted pass while standing in team B's end zone.

        Ruling: In NFHS, that is a touchdown. By definition A1 was not out of bounds when he batted the forward pass, thus it is not illegal participation.Also, it is legal to bat the pass. 

    Reference: (2-4-1, 2-29-1, 7-5-5, 9-6-1, 9-6-2) 

(see illustration in case book)

2-25-3 A touchdown is scored even though the ball has not penetrated the goal-line. Since runner is touching inbounds when the ball breaks the plane of the goal-line extended, it is a touchdown. However, if the runner is not touching inbounds when the ball breaks the plane of the goal-line extended, it is not a touchdown and the ball is spotted where it broke the sideline plane.

4.3.3 SITUATION B: A has third down and 7 yards to gain at B’s 30. A1 leaps near the sideline to catch a pass near B’s 30-yard line. A1 is driven out of bounds backwards by B2 while making the catch and landing outside the sideline at B’s 32. RULING: If the covering official decides A1 would have landed out of bounds of his own accord it is an incomplete pass (4-3-2).

COMMENT: When any receiver is close to the sideline and is contacted by the opponent, the covering official must make a decision about where he would have landed without the contact.

7.5.2 SITUATION K: A pass from A1 is thrown near the intersection of the sideline and the goal line. A2, running toward the goal line, leaps and possesses the pass at the 3-yard line and is forcibly: (a) contacted from the front by B1 so that A2 contacts the ground out of bounds opposite B’s 4-yard line; or (b) contacted from the side by B1 and A2 first contacts the ground out of bounds opposite the 3-yard line; or (c) tackled from behind by B1 so that first contact with the ground by A2 is out of bounds 1 yard behind the goal line; or (d) tackled from behind by B1 so that A2 first contacts the ground in the end zone. RULING: Completed pass in both (a) and (b). In (a) and (b), the contact by B1 changed direction of A2 and he is given forward progress. It is an incomplete pass in (c). In (c), the added force in the general direction the player was moving is not considered a factor affecting his spot of landing. Landing in B’s end zone in (d) results in a touchdown (2-15-1, 2; 8-2-1).

7.5.2 SITUATION K: A pass from A1 is thrown near the intersection of the sideline and the goal line. A2, running toward the goal line, leaps and possesses the pass at the 3-yard line and is forcibly tackled from behind by B1 so that the first contact with the ground by A2 is out of bounds 1 yard beyond the goal line. RULING: it is an incomplete pass. The added force in the general direction the player was moving is not considered a factor affecting his spot of landing. Therefore, when A2 landed out of bounds, the pass was incomplete. (2-15-1, 2; 8-2-1). 

Weekly Bull 8 12 09
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