Weekly Bull 8/12/15

The Weekly Bull August 12, 2015

1st and 2nd Year Officials – You will get your first taste of live action Wednesday night on the field at West Hills.  Please go directly to the field in your normal casual dress.  Be there promptly at 7:00.  Do not got to the classroom first.

Bonus Meeting – Mike Weseloh will be presenting on “Communication” starting at 7:00 pm in Room S8.  You won’t want to miss Mike and his “proven effective” communication techniques.  Mike was well respected as a high school referee and his crews held themselves to high standards of communication before, during and after the games.  Maybe that’s why he’s had such a great career in the Mountain West and the PAC12!!! 

Warning – We’ve been informed that the deputies are going to start nailing drivers for making left turns out of the parking lots.  They were posted Right Turn Only after that student was killed earlier this year so this is your warning…don’t turn left out of the parking lots.

8-Man Football – We are excited that the San Diego Section is now featuring even more 8-man football this season.  Please note that we will be providing five officials to these games so your regular crew may be assigned one of these games during the season.  The 8-man official’s fees are the same for 11-man.  The field of play will be 100 yards long by 40 yards wide for all 8-man games.  This will make all kick offs, measurements, etc. the same for 8-man as for 11-man football.  We will also use the 25 yard line overtime procedure for all ties at the varsity level for 8-man football.
Scrimmage Uniform – The high school scrimmage uniform will be the same as for warm weather youth football including the new black socks.  Get your pair from Bob Hood at the next meeting! 
Equipment and Uniform Vendors – The SDCFOA does not endorse any individual vendor of equipment and uniforms.  We do appreciate that they come to our meetings and are readily available for us!  I don’t know if one will be available this Wednesday but I just heard that Honig’s will be in the parking lot August 19th.  

Mechanics Exam – The mechanics exam results were outstanding…in spite of the two trick questions J  One was the new change in our Axioms which now lead off with “When in Question” not “When in Doubt”.  And the second question stated that you hack and wind when the HL is at his sideline spot (not always J)  Again, overall a great job of preparing for the season by “nailing the test”. 

Throwing Flag  - There was a play in last week’s video (August 5) where we discussed holding or not holding by the LJ.  I believe consensus (not 100%) was not to throw as the defender was already moving in the direction the lineman took him.  Anyway, I meant to point out on that play that our flanks don’t need to attempt to throw the flag into the middle of the field to “hit the spot of the foul.”  My recommendation is to throw the flag at the yard line into an area where you are fairly certain the flag will land away from players…maybe about ½ the way in.  I’ll try to include that play again this week so you can look at it from that perspective.

Video is Our Tool – In the “good ol’ days” we’d leave the field and feel we worked a perfect game.  Very little accountability and no tools to help us re-visit our calls to see if what we thought we saw is really what happened!  Now, we have HUDL.  We have the amazing opportunity to view ourselves and to determine if what I saw as huge is really as big as I remember?  If it is not as big as you remember, then you have a chance to re-calibrate your judgement.  You have a “tool” at your disposal.  Don’t take it lightly.  And don’t feel the need to be perfect.  We strive for perfection knowing that the best we’re going to get is excellence.  I’ll take excellence!!!

Umpire Bonus Clinic – The date of the final Bonus Meeting with Garth DeFelice – umpire from the NFL must be changed due to a conflict with his schedule.  The new date will be Tuesday September 8th at 7:00 pm at West Hills Room S8.  I’m sorry to back this meeting up to the regular Wednesday meeting on the 9th but we had no other options with his regular season schedule.  Good news is if you’re north county we’ll be taking the test the next night and you can attend the regular Wed. meeting at Cathedral on the 9th.  Again, new date for Garth’s discussion of the latest in working the umpire position including zone progressions and 2nd level blocks.  See you all TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH!!!!

Coach’s Feedback – One coach was kind enough to write me and ask that we call him coach not Mr.  His feeling was that “coach” is a definite sign of respect.  This coach was very supportive of our list of ways to most effectively communicate with coaches.  He complimented us on the list and our professionalism.

Sideline Communication – As a flank official, it is a real plus for you if you can provide information to your head coach that will help him and his team.  Obviously time outs remaining, but what about time outs remaining for the opponents at the end of the game?  Do you have enforcement info for him as he’s deciding whether to take the penalty?  Info on players that are on the edge or formations that are on the edge? 

CONSISTENCY – How do we get it and keep it? Preparation, Knowledge, and Concentration – From Mike Weseloh PAC 12

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