Weekly Bull 11/11/20


THE WEEKLY BULL – November 11, 2020 

Crew Chief Meeting Tonight at 6:00pm – This 1-hour meeting will include an update on Covid and high school athletics, answering/clarifying questions about this Bull, viewing a new 6-play Instructional Video, and analyzing the data from our newest 6 Calibration Plays.

SDCFOA Mechanics Qualification Exam 2020 – Each of you should have received the Exam on Monday via an Arbiter email from me.  If not, it is attached again below.  In order to enter your answers, you will be receiving a “Link” to our on-line testing site.  Many are taking advantage of their instructional crews zoom meetings to confirm questions and work together to complete the exam.  All answers must go into the on-line test.  DUE DATE is Monday 11/16.  If your crew needs more time, just email Scott Carroll.  No problem.  Also thanks to Scott for setting up this testing protocol and software….so helpful.  Plus a “Thank you” to Nathan Weiss for proof-reading my work.  Believe me, it’s a hot mess on my first draft! 

Board Elections – The SDCFOA thanks Scott Carroll, Mike Duggan, Kevin Haws, and Matt Starr for the past 4-years of service on the Board of our Association.  Thank you!  Several of you are even being punished with a new 4-year term of service – haha!  Welcome new Board Members:  Scott Carrol, Kevin Haws, Charlton Lynch and Matt Starr.

Covid Update – We continue to await news from the Governor related to the CIF’s plan to resume high school athletics.  I’m very nervous as the State’s data (and National data) is going in the wrong direction.  The San Diego data has us back in the lowest tier (purple).  It will take weeks to get back up one tier which would allow new schools to allow students back in session.  We absolutely need to get out of this lowest tier so PLEASE wear your mask and social distance.  Avoid crowds and even large family gatherings unless you’re using maximum precautions.  We must protect each other and lower the infection rate.  PLUS…we must stay healthy during once the season begins.  Our crew needs us to be healthy and on the field with them!!!  Thank you!

Schedules are In Arbiter – Tom has assigned your scrimmage(s) and your week #1 games on January 8th.  Frosh and JV games are also assigned for week #1.  Don’t forget to accept your games.  Also, update your blocks (conflicts of interest) and availability.

November 11 2020
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