Weekly Bull 9/27/20


THE WEEKLY BULL – Sept. 27, 2020 

Crew Chief Meeting This Week – Our next Crew Chief Zoom meeting will be this Wednesday, September 30 at 6:00 pm.  The invitation has already been sent.  We will review the contents of this Bull, the new Instructional Video, and our newest Calibration Plays.

San Diego Sports Officials Hall of Fame – Although the Induction Dinner has been postponed until September of 2021, we want you to know that that induction group includes several of our own officials. 

John Ferguson -  John was an outstanding high school and college official who ended his career with the SDCFOA as its Instructional Chair.  He was one of our absolute best referees and crew chiefs.  He was a true leader whom the coaches all knew and respected.  When John was the referee, he was in charge of that game, no doubt about it! 

Sal Gambino – Sal was nominated for his extensive work in youth baseball, but he will also be celebrated for his officiating in the sports of basketball and football.  Sal continues to be one of our finest umpires who makes his crew and crewmates better because of his dedication, preparation, talent and great sense of humor.

John “Biz” Bistowski – John was nominated for his celebrated career in the sport of Lacrosse, but many of you will remember “Biz” as a great flank official in our association.  He is a real professional who was an outstanding member and official when he was working with us.

It will be a great pleasure to be present next September when these fine men are inducted along with selected officials from other sports including: Danielle Dabbaghian – Water Polo; Chip Holmes – Track & Field; Dennis Bates – Volleyball; and Greg McAlpine – Ice Hockey.  You’ll receive more information from me next summer on the date and ticket information. 

Board Elections – No mail-in ballots will be accepted….ha ha.  Our secretary Ed Zapolski has done an amazing job of testing a voting via computer software program.  I think he got it in Russia…come on, lighten up…it's just a joke!  Anyway, the system has been tested by the board and we’re ready to go in October.  Look for the email announcement from Ed and then it is expected that all will be participating in the selection of our four new board members.  A huge “Thank You” to Scott Carroll, Mike Duggan, Kevin Haws, and Matt Starr who will be ending their three years of service on the board this December 31.

Other States – Reports from the CIF are that the other states seem to be working their way through the fall football season with occasional disruptions due to positive test results of individual players.  Utah, Montana, Idaho are doing “OK” as they play games, and Arizona is scheduled to start play this week.  No football in CA, OR, WA, NV, CO.  We will learn more on Monday when there is a national webinar conference with reports from all states who are playing.

Schedules are In Arbiter – With one exception, the schedules have all been updated in Arbiter.  Tom Ables has done an outstanding job of working with schools and coaches to get them to update (8-man is still a work in progress).  Tom will now be going back through to delete all 2020 games, work to complete the update of all scrimmages, and double-check the accuracy of the coach’s updates.  When completed, Tom will be assessing the number of games scheduled each week and matching it to the number of available officials.  We must be sure we can cover all of the games, or get the CIF’s help in moving some game off of Friday night.  Stay tuned for more on that after Tom’s assessment.

No Changes to Reporting Ejections – Crew Chiefs must complete enter the report and do so by Sunday morning.  I am reprinting the directions for your convenience.  Or better yet, let’s not have any ejections!

  1. Call Steve Coover the next day, with the ejection.

  2. Go to the San Diego CIF website at www.cifsds.org

  3. Hover your curser over OFFICIALS and select EJECTION MANAGER

  4. On the next screen select CLICK HERE.

  5. On the next screen select FOOTBALL from the drop down menu, then enter the password 123.

  6. Complete the form. When finished, select Steve Coover as the Liaison.  Then press SAVE.  You’re done.

PAT/Field Goal Holder – If a team chooses to have their holder not have his knee on the ground then they are no longer in a scrimmage kick formation thus no protection for the snapper and no numbering exceptions.  If a holder has his knee on the ground, he may then rise to advance, hand, or pass the ball.  Remember, the holder with his knee on the ground must rise first if he wishes to hand or pass the ball (forward or backward).

Crowds Outside the Team Box – This is a good problem!  Some of our featured games attract huge crowds which can also mean a lot of extra fans standing on the sideline.  Remember, these fans are not a part of the team and cannot be penalized, but should any or some of them interfere with the game and our officiating, then they can be removed by the home school administration.  Administration is there for a reason, so don’t bother the head coach. Remember, unsportsmanlike behavior of someone out of the team box is not a foul on that team and cannot be penalized.  Use game administration to correct that problem by removing the person from the sidelines.

Bands – The following is taken from the CIF Green Book: “Bands are not allowed to play during the course of the actual contest.  In the sport of football, bands may play during timeouts, halftime or in between plays. Bands must stop playing when a team breaks the huddle or in the case of a no huddle offense, when the quarterback lines up in position to take a snap.”  Any violation of this CIF policy can be directed to the game administration for immediate correction.  Continued violations would be considered an 'unfair act' under NFHS Football Rule 9-10-1 and could result in a 15-yard penalty being assessed to the head football coach of the offending school for unsportsmanlike conduct.

National Association of Sports Public Address Announcers (NASPAA) - Code of Conduct -

The following principles and expectations underscore the NASPAA’s P.A. announcing philosophy. P.A. announcers must utilize these guidelines.

  1. Announcers shall understand that their role is to provide pertinent information in a timely manner and to do so professionally and not attempt to be bigger than the game or event by doing play-by-play or by providing commentary in an effort to entertain or to draw attention to himself or herself.

    2.Announcers shall understand that because they have a tremendous influence on the crowd and that cheerleading or antics designed to incite the crowd for the purpose of gaining an advantage for their team is inappropriate.

    3. Announcers shall promote good sportsmanship and a positive environment by what they say and how they act.

    4. Announcers shall treat the opponents and their fans as guests, not the enemy.

    5. Announcers shall respect the individuals who are responsible for the conduct and administration of athletic games and events, such as coaches, officials and administrators, and avoid making any comments that reflect positively or negatively on them.

    6. Announcers shall respect the participants of all teams and remain neutral when introducing the starting participants, announcing substitutions and the outcome of plays or performances of the participants.

    7. Announcers shall exhibit professional behavior and represent their school, organization or association with respect and dignity at all times by what they say, how they act and how they appear.


Preparation for a game assignment begins early in the week, but the final pre-game preparation for varsity games takes place in the locker room 1 ½ hours before kickoff, or on the field 30 minutes prior to kickoff for games below the varsity level.  It is expected that officials know their proper positioning for the position they have been assigned to for that game.  Therefore, pre-game discussions will not focus on where officials are to be located on the field for each type of play.




On-field duties prior to kickoff, kickoffs (formations / coverage’s / OB / touch by K), planned short FK, penalty philosophy, communication with coaches, dead ball officiating, FG/PAT, coin toss, halftime, crew communication.


New rules, free blocking zone, communication with referee, communication with flanks, penalty mechanics, uniforms, crew communication.


Running plays – progress, cross-field mechanics, counts A/B, goal line mechanics (going in and out), change of possession mechanics, measurement mechanics, crew communication.


Passing plays – coverage/keys, multiple flags, forward/backward, quick over the middle, goal line/sideline & endline/sideline coverage, intentional grounding, DPI/OPI, crew communication.


Scrimmage kicks – positions/coverage, kick OOB, coverage on blocks, PSK, momentum, fair catch, muff vs fumble, when on goal line, bad snap, 25 second play clock, game clock awareness, crew communication.



Confirm positions assigned and officiating experience if unknown, On-field duties prior to kickoff, kickoffs, penalty philosophy, communication with coaches, FG/PAT, crew communication.


Uniforms, running plays – progress, cross-field mechanics, communication with flanks, goal line mechanics (going in and out), ball mechanics, counts A/B, communication with referee, penalty mechanics.


Chains, communication with referee, whistle control, dead ball officiating, line of scrimmage fouls.


Passing plays, forward/backward, quick over the middle, intentional grounding, DPI/OPI, scrimmage kicks, muff vs fumble, 25 second clock, game clock awareness.

September 27 2020
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