Weekly Bull 7/23/08


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 7/23/08


  1. Attendance & New Registration (as needed)

  2. Arbiter Training 401/402

  3. Announcements

  4. Food For Thought

  5. Mechanics Review (5-man) and Federation Qualification Exam Part I (Review 1st half)

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Remember; recycle good used uniforms and auxiliary items to the 1st year class asap. They will begin buying new uniforms in August.

  2. We always represent the Association and its members when we are out in public. Please act in the most polite, appropriate manner at all times.  Sometimes our manners can be used to judge our abilities to officiate a good game.  If you were to offend a female school official or fan, the offended person would likely view officials (all officials) as rude and offensive.  This is just the way it is.  You wear a uniform and represent the Association at all times.  Do so with class, proper manners, and pride!

  3. Half-Marathon Challenge – Andy Cos-Y-Leon, fourth year official, challenges the membership to donate in excess of $1,000 to the Youth Fund by November 1st and he will run the Silver Strand Half Marathon (Coronado) in full uniform (black shorts though) including whistle, flag and bean bag! Look for your big chance to contribute at the golf tourney or on Game-Check Weekend (Oct. 9-10-11!  Announcements will continue in the Bull.

  4. Hall of Champions Dinner – Get your tix now for this year’s induction.  A very special group including our own Mike Carey (NFL), Cal Evans (HS State Championship), Jim Sibbet (Assignor, 2nd year instructor, and officiating legend), Bill Tellous (you don’t want to miss this acceptance speech; no young children allowed), and Steve Coover (instructional chair).  Tuesday, September 16. For Tickets call ….Ask to be seated at a football table.

  5. Plan Ahead for CIF Championship Dates – Mark your calendars today with the following dates for this year’s playoffs:

 1st round – Friday, November 21

2nd round – Friday, November 28

Division I-IV Semifinals – Friday, December 5

Division I-IV Finals (in the Stadium) Friday, December 12

Division V Championship – Saturday, December 13

  1. City of San Diego Small Business Tax Notice – This letter has been received by several officials, in April, who live in the city of San Diego and reported their officiating income and expenses as a component of their California Tax return. We have investigated and as independent contractors we fall into the category of a small business. So, those living within the city of San Diego, who have received this letter, will need to respond to its contents.  Please let the Board or officers of the Board know of any updates on this situation so we can use the Bull to pass it on.

Food For Thought:

  1. What are the proper mechanics for a flank official when he hears someone screaming timeout from the sideline behind him? Stop the clock and then check to determine who exactly called time out? Check to see if the head coach or designee is calling time out before stopping the clock?

  2. Pass play into the end zone where a penalty flag is thrown for DPI. The wide receiver makes a great catch for a touchdown, in spite of the interference.  Options? Who do we give the options to?  Head Coach? Captains?

  3. What are the proper signals that should be made by the referee?

  4. During the subsequent PAT, there is roughing the kicker. Options?

  5. Same play as #2 only it happens on the last timed down of the first half. Options?

  6. What if the defense roughs the kicker on the try?

  7. What if play #2 happens on the last timed down of the fourth quarter and the score will be tied following a successful one point PAT?

  8. When there is an inadvertent whistle, when does the team only have the option of replaying the down?

  9. When does the team have the option of replaying the down or taking the ball where possession was lost?

  10. when does the team have the option of the result of the play at the dead ball spot or replay the down?

  11. While a legal forward pass is in flight B1 interferes with eligible A1 and then there is an inadvertent whistle. Options?

  12. While a legal forward pass is in flight there is an inadvertent whistle. Immediately after the whistle, B1 roughs the QB. Options?

  13. While A1 is running the ball for an apparent touchdown, A2 clips B1 at the B25 and an inadvertent whistle sounds as the runner reaches the B10. What are the options?

  14. Same play but the clip happens at the B5. Options?

  15. Field goal attempt at Mount Carmel HS (not that this really happened!) immediately after the kick is on its way, the referee, forgetting that the play is a field goal and not a PAT, and not using proper mechanics, BLOWS HIS WHISTLE! The field goal misses. Options?  By the way, the next kick was good!

Bull 7 23 08
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