Weekly Bull 7/30/08


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 7/30/08


  1. Sign In Sheet (Attendance) – All new registration to Coover in room 303

  2. Green Class Grade Books – Keep them current

  3. Announcements

  4. Food for Thought

  5. Rules Review Part I (this meeting and 8/13 before the test on 8/27)

  6. Mechanics Exam (30 minutes)

  7. Adjourn 8:30


  1. How is your equipment? – Don’t wait to get it out and replace the damaged stuff! And don’t forget to donate to the first year officials. SOS Sports will be at the San Diego County Office of Education on August 13th from 5:30pm to 9:00pm. Get your uniform and all the required accessories for the upcoming season. 

  2. Missing a bull, or looking for the meeting schedule, or needing a copy of the mechanics manual??? It’s all on the web! sdcfoa.org

  3. The board, on an annual basis, elects all officers of the board. Any member who is interested in the positions of executive secretary, treasurer, assignment secretary, or instructional chair need to communicate this in writing to our current executive secretary, Dick Brockett by October 10th.

  4. Hall of Champions Dinner – Tuesday Sept. 16th. A very special group including our own Mike Carey (NFL), Cal Evans (HS State Championship), Jim Sibbet (Assignor, 2nd year instructor, and officiating legend), Bill Tellous and Steve Coover (couldn’t find a reason for these two). Tuesday, September 16. Cost $80 per person.  Call Deveney at (619) 699-2313 to make a reservation.  Ask to be at the Football Officials table.  We are selling out so act today.  – Bob Hood

  5. State Championships have been scheduled. Five games on Dec. 19/20 at Home Depot Center. Our Assoc. gets to recommend 1 person per position (5 man crew) by Sept. 21st.  Over 150 candidates across the State for 42 slots over the last 2 years (including alternates) and we’ve qualified for 5 of them.  That’s 12% of the slots overall, 25% of the Southern California slots!

Food For Thought – From CIF State Rules Interpretation Meeting (mostly clean up):

  1. Victory With Honor – We must continue to do our part. Be positive and protect the honor of the game.

  2. Field marking are RECOMMENDED to be white. Don’t have to be.

  3. What if there’s no 2 yard restraining line provided around the outside of the field? Notify administration that the field is not properly marked.  Identify a “landmark” that can be used (ie. a soccer line, the track, a set of pylons, or hurdles…and work the game.  What if the principal of the school refuses to leave the 2-yard restraining line as he stands on the 10 yardline. Penalty?

  4. Unaltered pads – What about thigh pads and girdles?

  5. What does the physician’s note have to say when a cast is the issue? When do you need to see the note? Do you keep it?

  6. Can you use cell phones as an aide to coaching during the game or at halftime?

  7. Do 2nd half timeouts carry over to the overtime?

  8. One wrinkle on the option to enforce on the subsequent kick off for fouls by the opponent of the scoring team. If a touchdown is scored on the last timed down of the game and a 1-point PAT will tie the score, does A have the option of enforcing the penalty on the subsequent kick off?

  9. THEN – same as #8 only instead of a touchdown, it’s a field goal. Now, does A have the option of enforcing the penalty in overtime?

  10. Illegal kicking tee or other unfair acts (9-9-4) basic spot fouls BUT the signal is #27 unsportsmanlike….don’t get confused.

  11. Clarification rule 10-4-6 &7. the key is who put the ball in the end zone? Then use the all-but-one philosophy.  Ball must be in possession following change of possession, in the endzone, and then fumbled out of the back or side of the end zone or out of the end zone and out of bounds in the field of play.

  12. Sideline warning – drop flag on first time, even though no penalty.

  13. 1st and goal – Box man drops bean bag at box in case he has to move when play threatens his position. (ZAP!)

  14. Point of emphasis – dead ball officiating – horror stories on TDs.

  15. 9-yark line mark requirements following ready for play (Centennial – Cal?)

  16. Bood on uniform – (3-5-10) must be appropriately cleaned.

  17. From Wiggins’s class (what the heck are you doing in there) – Can you use a kicking tee on a free kick following a fair catch?

  18. The A-11 Offense:

    • Draw it up.

    • Where are the tackles?

    • Is it a scrimmage kick formation? (2-14-2) (7-2-5)

    • Do all A “….player(s) who are under this (numbering) exception …assume an initial position on his line of scrimmage between the ends and he remains an ineligible forward-pass receiver during that down unless the pass is touched by B.”?

    • Do they all come set for one full second prior to the snap?

    • Are the backs clearly in the backfield? Are the linemen and ends clearly on the line of scrimmage?

    • What do the tackles do on the play?

    • Where is the ball caught?

    • What if the ball is not caught behind the line of scrimmage yet rolls beyond the line of scrimmage and the tackles/others are down field?

    • Check it out for yourself - a11offense.com

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