Weekly Bull 9/10/08


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 9/10/08


  1. Attendance/Announcements/Food For Thought: 7:00 – 7:35

  2. Mechanics Presentations 7:45 – 8:30

          Referee – Dave Garza (305)

          Umpire – John Odom (402)

          Head linesman/Line Judge – Dave Hardage (401)

          Back Judge –  Jeff Phillips (306)

  1. Adjourn 8:30


  1. From the Executive Secretary to the membership - any certified official not wanting to appear on the election ballot should let Dick Brockett know.

  2. Anyone who needs to be excused from the attendance or test requirement must make a written application to the board via the Executive Secretary no later than the February board meeting.

  3. Last call to support the Hall of Champions and the new San Diego County Officials Exhibit. Hall of Champions Dinner – Tuesday Sept. 16th.  A very special group including our own Mike Carey (NFL), Cal Evans (HS State Championship), Jim Sibbet (Assignor, 2nd year instructor, and officiating legend), Bill Tellous and Steve Coover (couldn’t find a reason for these two). Tuesday, September 16. Cost $80 per person.  Call Deveney at (619) 699-2313 to make a reservation.  Ask to be at the Football Officials table. 

  4. Congratulations on the following nominations for the California State Championship Bowl Games in December:

Chris Wiggins – Referee

Ali Shatula – Umpire

John Downing – HL

Ed Zapolski – LJ

Dick Brockett – BJ

We will know by banquet time if any/all have been selected to work the game.  Congratulations all!

  1. Instructors should notify officials if they are lagging in attendance or have to make up tests not passed or taken.

Food For Thought:

  1. Halftime – Please use your diplomatic skills in negotiating the length of the halftime. If the coaches want 15 + 3 then give it to them.  The default is 12+3.  JV can also be 10+3 if the coaches want.  The default on JV would be 7 + 3.  Clear as mud!!??

  2. DVD – Can you get a copy? Try providing a disc and a stamped self-addressed envelope – You can expect to get up to 50% of them returned and it can really help!

  3. Rule of thumb on “helping a runner” – we don’t want to make this call unless an individual picks up or throws a runner into the endzone or forward in short yardage situations. Pushing the runner from the back in a scrum is the one we want to avoid, don’t call it.

  4. Excessive celebrations – Again, don’t look for this one. Let the play/players dictate that an unsportsmanlike foul has occurred.  The BYU-Washington game is an example of getting too technical (just my opinion).  The player must be drawing attention to himself….summersault, other major gymnastic feats, posturing openly to the crowd, spiking the ball, holding the ball aloft as he strides into the endzone, or anything that taunts the opposing team.  Team celebrations are rarely excessive or unsportsmanlike.  Generally we get chest bumping and celebrations between teammates…this is not unsportsmanlike and not done to draw attention….unless OVERLY choreographed….Dancing with the stars stuff!!

  5. How are our coaches doing? Word is that we are doing well and that the coaches are doing better.  BUT, some times we are seeing assistant coaches handing out advice or criticism.  At that point, call time and go to the head coach.  In a calm manner explain the situation and don’t exaggerate.  Tell the HC that you have an assistant who is constantly yelling at you.  It is doing no one any good and is unsportsmanlike. I just want you to know so that you can handle the situation.  Thank you!  -  Now, if the head coach then proceeds to tear into you, you must realize that you initiated the conversation, so take it for now.  As the game proceeds you should be in a clear position to rule unsportsmanlike if the assistant or HC or both continue.  You’ve offered a warning. – What else did you do to maybe prevent this situation from developing?  Remember, crew chiefs debrief at each meeting. Thanks for your professional conduct.

  6. What are we doing about players with pants rolled up above their knees? Please address this in the pre-game coaches' conferences or with an assistant coach, and that any player with their pants rolled-up must be removed from the game for at least one play.  We definitely want to avoid the removal of a kid so make a point of getting this in the pre-game.

  7. As you are aware, the home bleachers at Sweetwater have been condemned, and all of the fans sit in the metal stands on the opposite side. Because of this, Sweetwater had moved the chains to the same side as the press box, which is where the timer and scorer still sit, although much lower under a temporary shelter. The officials had them move the chains to the proper side of the field from where they were for the JV game, which they did with no complaint. Let’s keep the chains on the proper side of the field, opposite the press box.

Bull 9 10 08
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