Weekly Bull 10/15/12

  • Agree to Disagree – One of the things coaches and officials must occasionally accept is that they will not see the same play the same way. Officials are to be unbiased, protectors of the integrity of the game.  As such, they are to view plays in a consistent and totally impartial view.  On the other hand, coaches are inclined to view the action from their team’s perspective, as they should.  When this happens, if we all can remember that we may never agree on the judgment call, it can help.  Officials, ask the coach what he saw?  We may have missed some detail of the play.  Coaches, listen to the explanation from the official, you deserve one.  Then we have to remember the following: we may never agree on the call; questioning the official’s integrity will not be tolerated; and coaches have a right to vent their frustration (within reason!). We do all love the game, so let’s do our best!

  • The 10thannual SDCFOA Golf Tournament benefitting the San Diego Youth Football Fund will be held on Wednesday, November 7 at beautiful Coronado Golf Course beginning at 10:30 a.m.  The $110 per golfer entry fee includes golf (4-man best ball), lunch and cart.  Checks should be made payable to SDYFF and mailed to Bob Smith at his address in Arbiter.  Entries will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  Questions…contact Ed Blick or Jake Minger (info in Arbiter).  Space is limited and filling up fast, so get your entry in today!

Ya...got lots of players wearing those forearm sleeves that are worn from the wrist up past the elbow. They're not pads, wristbands, or play card holders...just 'Alan Iverson' sleeves. They're also rather slick which makes it difficult for a tackler to grab a ball carrier by the arm. I think they're not legal equipment and have been making players take them off-including the pink ones. What do you think?

We had a slight problem in getting to speak w/ the clock operator at Steele Canyon. The way they have it set up, the press box is only accessible from some where through the school. You can't simply walk up through the stands to the press box. I would suggest that the clock operator meet the officials down on the field. For the JV game, I tried talking (yelling) up to the guy in the press box and the only thing that I could make out from what he was saying is, "don't worry about instructing me, I have been doing this for 20 years." His statement reflected it in he was pretty bad at operating the clock during the JV game. For the varsity game, luckily it happened to be our BJ's turn to be off of the JV game. He some how went up through the school to instruct the varsity clock operator. There's go to be a better way!

JV game. Mt Empire v. Vincent Memorial. Both teams had on white tops. Home team says they cannot change becaUse they share with the varsity and they have the dark tops. Visitors obviously had only the white. So, we cancelled the game. Just kidding. Thought?

Steve. I heard that an R told a U to take roughing the passer calls on a try that breaks down because the R had to get to the pylon. Want to clarify that R has RPS all the way even if he is backing away from the play to get to the pylon.ust your chops.


Games wanted.

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