Weekly Bull 7/13/22

1st Year and 2nd Year Officials – All 1st year and 2nd year and transfer officials will meet on Wednesday 7/13 at 7:00pm at Mira Mesa High School.  It is best to park in the back parking lot as marked on the maps we provided.
1st Year will be meeting in Room 714
2nd Year will be meeting in Room 713.
It is very important to your success in officiating that you attend these weekly sessions through July and the first part of August.  We are planning on our newer officials working a lot of games for us this year.  These meetings will prepare you!
Certified Official’s Clinic This Wednesday (1st & 2nd year officials do not attend this) - Line of Scrimmage Zoom Meeting W/Charlton Lynch and Nathan Thernes this Wednesday, July 13th at 7:00 PM.  This is the 1st of three clinics so don’t miss out on any of them.  If you are a line of scrimmage official, we strongly encourage you to attend this session.  These two outstanding officials have worked together over several years including CIF Championships!  You won’t want to miss their “tips” for success as individuals and as a TEAM!  Here is the meeting Information:
SDCFOA Line of Scrimmage Clinic
Wednesday July 13, 2022
7:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 4271 5302
Passcode: 807642
One tap mobile – 669-444-9171
Hooking up to Technology at Mira Mesa – Go to your settings and select “WiFi & Internet”.  Then look for available networks.  You’re looking for I21WIRELESS.  If it does not reveal itself, type I21WIRELESS into the search box and it will connect.  If it asks for a password, use I21WIRELESS
Website Password – There are some areas of the new SDCFOA website that require a password.  The password is Referee.
Mechanics Summer Study – You all have these questions plus the answer key.  We will be taking the Mechanics Exam on-line at the end of July so be prepared.  2nd year will also take the exam on-line.  1st year officials do not take any exams.
LCC Passing Tournament – Great job by our SDCFOA officials who worked this event.  And thank you to the NFL, D1 and other college officials who attended and mentored our officials following each game.  What a great learning experience…and the officials got paid!  Here are a few “take aways” from the event:
Tangled Feet or DPI – discuss this in the pre-season so you’re prepared for it happening
Catch/Incomplete – still one of our most common and critical judgments – be ready!
Progress – seems simple but, again, one of the most critical issues in football
The Clock – we were a bit sloppy here but maybe it was because it wasn’t an issue in the tourney. 
Clear communications with coaches – we did very well in this area.  Be clear, accurate and concise.
Signals – Make them big, strong, and slow.
Communication within the crew – We were not consistent in this area.  If we are going to work as a coherent team, our communication (verbal and signals) must be constant, and consistent.   
Food for Thought – There is a strong emphasis on “self-evaluation” this year at all levels of officiating.  Walt Anderson (NFL) provides the following list that you might find helpful when you, and your crew, are conducting an HONEST self-evaluation.  Leave your ego at the door!
Management – How well did we manage the game?  Did we provide a quick tempo?  Did we talk with players and coaches to prevent problems?  Did we act quickly to stop issues from getting out of control? 
Were we efficient in all dead ball periods?
Consistency – Did we work hard, mentally, to prepare ourselves for every snap?  Did we communicate well within the crew?  Were our signals strong and timely?  Did we let the game progress without marginal calls?
Mechanics – Were we positioned well?  Did our positioning and posture present an aura of confidence and control.  Did we hustle when necessary?  Were we slow and deliberate in signaling and movements when appropriate?  Did we communicate well within the crew and provide supportive mechanics to our teammates.
Team – Did we communicate well within the crew (Am I emphasizing this enough?)  Were there issues to clean up?  Did we provide what was needed by the other officials on the crew?  Did we communicate well with our coaches?  Did we improve in the area identified before the game as a crew goal area?
Personal – Was I fully present for this game?  Was I a good crewmate for this game?  Did I step up when needed?  Was I open to suggestions provided by crewmates?  Did I improve in the area(s) that I identified before the game as personal goal areas?

Weekly Bull 7 13 22
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