Weekly Bull 8/10/22

1st and 2nd Year Classes Meet at Mira Mesa – All 1st and 2nd year officials will meet in their classrooms this Wednesday 8/10 at 7:00pm.  Scrimmages are this week so make sure you’re at the meeting to get the latest information from your instructors.
Referee/Back Judge Clinic – This Wednesday 8/10 at 7:00 pm, Ted Schiess will be presenting a discussion of the relationships between these two positions.  The zoom meeting will explore how to get the most from your back judge, as well as what the referee needs from a great back judge.  Ted is one of the best at both of these positions so he is a great resource for us to learn more about this “team within a team”.  Here is the zoom invitation:
Stephen Coover is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
SDCFOA Referee & Back Judge Clinic
Aug 10, 2022 07:00
– The https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86536321493?pwd=c04rVkFuVS9hcXdyaS9VM081blJjQT09
Meeting ID: 865 3632 1493
Passcode: 483013
2022 SDCFOA Mechanics Qualification Exam – The mechanics exam was sent out via your crew chiefs or your classroom instructor on Sunday 7/31 and must have been completed by Sunday 8/7.  Passing this exam (80% or 40/50) was a requirement for all except the 1st year officials.  Early reports were that the scores are extremely high.
2022 SDCFOA Rules Qualifying Exam – The window for this exam will open this coming Sunday 8/14 and will close the following Sunday 8/21.  This too will be a 50-item test but passing will be 70% or 35 out of 50 correct.  Each official is expected to use their instructional materials and rule books to pass the exam.  You may also use each other as a resource to make sure you earn a passing score.  A passing score in both tests plus attendance at 9 meetings (includes 1 clinic and the banquet or a make-up meeting in October) will qualify you for eligibility to be drafted and for playoff assignments. 
SD County Sports Officials Hall of Fame Annual Induction Dinner - John Ferguson and Sal Gambino will be initiated into the sports official’s Hall of Fame on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 5:00pm.  The program and dinner begin at 6:00pm.  Come join us in celebrating our former crew chief, college official, and instructional chair John Ferguson, plus a huge celebration for Sal Gambino who goes in for his work as on official in baseball!  The event will be held at the Scottish Rite in Mission Valley. Ticket information at: http://www.sandiegosportsofficialshof.com/
Instructional Video This Week – In lieu of Hudl plays, I would like everyone to watch two 10-minute videos that were created by Mark Andrews in Orange County and myself.  Quite a few relevant topics are discussed and I know you will find them informative.  These are very hard to use in the classroom as the sound is hard to amplify.  So, I think it is well worth your time to view them at home this week.  Here are the links to those two videos:
Scrimmage Film – I will do my best to get you a film from your scrimmage.  I have not been communicating with coaches this year but will send out a reminder to put their scrimmage onto the league pool so I can share it with your crew.  PS.  If you haven’t updated your 2022 crew in Hudl under the Team tag and the Manage Team tag, then I will not be sending your crew a video.
Dress for Scrimmages – Seeing that we’re being paid for scrimmages, I am assuming we are all wearing our full uniform.  1st and 2nd year officials will also wear their full uniform as the instructors need to evaluate how you present yourself in the uniform.

Weekly Bull 8 10 22
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