Weekly Bull 8/17/22

SDCFOA Crew Chief Zoom Meeting 8/17 – All Crew Chiefs and Instructors are invited to this meeting.  NCAA officials are also invited.
Aug 17, 2022 06:00 PM
Meeting ID: 894 1874 8065
Passcode: 380012
Meeting Agenda –
Weekly Bull
Announcements Tom? Ed? Others?
Calibration Plays
Instructional Video
Rules Exam 8/14 – 8/21
1st & 2nd Year Officials – You will be meeting at 7:00pm at Mira Mesa High School this Wednesday 8/17 for your next-to-the last in-person meeting.  Your final in-person meeting will be Wednesday 8/31.  You won’t be meeting on 8/24
Certified Officials – You will all be meeting with your crew or your lead instructor via zoom, starting this week.  The meeting schedule is posted on our website.  Crew chiefs you have several options, just like when we were meeting during the Covid crisis.  You can meet on Wed. or any other day of the week if that works better for you, but you MUST meet.  If you don’t meet, then you are not in compliance with the instructional program and the board will be informed.  More importantly, you are shorting your crew an opportunity to learn, ask questions, and get better.  You can join with another crew to meet in a slightly larger group which worked well for some of our crews last time. 
New Wrinkle – You could have your entire crew join us during the Crew Chief Meeting to get the Bull, Announcements, Calibration Plays, and Instructional Video from me/crew chiefs at that 6:00-7:00 time.  Then you would have that information and instructional portion completed, and at 7:00pm you could have your own meeting set up and you could just spend another 30-miutes or so on questions or your own film from that week.  Two important points:  1) Having your crew attend the crew chief meeting would not meet the requirements of a full meeting with your crew and the board would be notified.  You must meet separately, in addition to the crew chief meeting, to answer questions, clarify things that were said, etc.  But this could make your second meeting shorter, efficient, and more productive.  2) Only Crew Chiefs and NCAA officials should speak at the crew chief meeting.  Crew members should write down their questions or comments to share with their crew during their follow up crew meeting.  I cannot entertain questions from the whole group and get through the agenda.
Lead Instructors – Sibbet, Starr, Zapolski, Lindsay, Garza, and Shiess – You must include those officials who are in your class but not on a crew.  If you are an official who is not working on a crew this year, reach out to your lead instructor from the list above to make sure you’re included and getting credit for attendance.
It’s game week!  Are you ready for Friday Night Lights!  It continues to be warm.  Don’t forget to hydrate. Does your crew have a person responsible for water and maybe energy bars?  Reminder – Please follow all guidelines from the home school.  No exceptions.  It would be wise to get that information in advance of Friday night (or Thursday or Saturday).
Keep Your Availability Current – Please keep your calendar accurate in Arbiter so the assignor doesn’t have to assign twice!
Fees – Varsity referee $88.  All other varsity officials $86.  JV & Frosh referee $76.  All others below varsity $75.
Uniforms – Address them in pre-game.  They do not have to be legal in warm ups, but inform them that they WILL be sent out of the game for one play once it starts.  Items to address include: FACE PAINTING INCLUDING CROSSES (SYMBOLS ARE ADORNMENT), untucked shirts, jerseys tucked up under shoulder pads, knees uncovered, bandanas protruding out the back of the helmet, long skinny streamers or long belts, towels that are not solid color without any messages.  Team must use same color of towel (not yellow).  Hoodies are legal but no foul if the defender tackles him by his hoodie!
When Can the Offense Designate the Spot of the Next Down? – For a Try, Kickoff, Safety, Fair Catch, Awarded Fair Catch, Touchback, and Start of Each Series of Overtime Periods.  I think we weren’t sure about Fair Catch and Awarded Fair Catch….so now you are!
Coaching & Team Box – 25-yardline to 25-yardline.  Just like the good old days!
Coaches Cards – These are available for download at www.sdcfoa.org.  Varsity games only.
Thank You From the First and Second Year Instructors – Every year our first year officials work their very first scrimmages with the outstanding guidance of some of our best crew members.  Then our second year officials work their scrimmage with the help of more outstanding officials.  This year was no different!  Our regular crew members did another amazing job of educating, supporting, and helping to develop the 1st and 2nd year officials’ skills this past week.  Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Association and its membership! – Gary Gittelson, Tom Ables, Earl Totty, Jimmy Christensen, Ed Blick and Don Carey
George Schutte – George Schutte was the designer of our instructional program and always taught us that the instructional program does not end in the classroom.  You must study outside the classroom each week of the season. Post games are critical as rules questions will arise!  Then you continue your learning on Saturdays as you work youth football.  We are so thankful that youth football is back.  This was George’s design and it works if you engage with discipline!
Communicating with Your Coach – If you have a complaint or question from your coach let your referee know.  One of the biggest complaints I get from coaches is that the flanks do not communicate their concerns to the referee.  Use your radios!  This builds frustration and adds to the original issue.  By the time the referee does get to the sideline he now has to deal with an upset and frustrated coach.  There shall be two officials present for all meetings between the referee and the head coach, but only one speaks – the referee!
Targeting, Late Hits, Unnecessary Roughness & Illegal Contact – Let’s not forget to refer to illegal contact fouls with accurate terminology. Many fouls are simply Personal Foul - Late Hit or Personal Foul – Blocking a Player Who is Clearly Out of the Play.  Targeting is taking aim, initiating contact, with the helmet, shoulder, arm, wrist or hand, above the shoulders. Spearing is taking aim, and initiating contact with the crown of the helmet. And a Personal Foul – Illegal Contact is a hit or block against an opponent, including a defenseless player, that is judged excessive and/or unnecessary and which incites roughness.  We will have one of these illegal contact plays in our calibration Wednesday.
2021 Ejection/Disqualification Procedure – No changes.  Steve Coover will coordinate ejections for all high school football games (all levels).  Please refer to your applicable youth assigner for ejection procedures for youth games. 
Calling an Ejection - Flag the play but do not immediately signal or communicate that you are ejecting the player.
Discuss the foul with the crew-chief/referee and any other officials that saw the action.  Referees should discuss with their umpire or back judge.  If the general consensus is that the foul should result in an ejection, the crew-chief and the official that called the foul should notify the offenders head coach that the player has been ejected and the reason for the ejection.  If the official that made the call is the crew-chief, he should be accompanied by the flank official on the side of the offending team.  Although permitted by rule, do not eject a fan, parent, administrator or others that are not in the team box.  Refer this ejection to the site administrator, or in the absence of a site administrator, to the home team head coach for removal of this individual.    
Reporting Ejections - Call Steve Coover the next day, (619-921-3006), with the ejection.  Go to the San Diego CIF website at www.cifsds.org
Hover your curser over OFFICIALS and select EJECTION MANAGER
On the next screen select CLICK HERE.
On the next screen select FOOTBALL from the drop down menu, then enter the password 123.
Complete the form.  When finished, select Steve Coover as the Liaison.  Then press SAVE.  You’re done.

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