Weekly Bull 8/31/22

 Last “In-Person” Meeting for 1st & 2nd Year Officials – You will be meeting this week, Wednesday August 31, at Mira Mesa High School at 7:00pm.  After this you will be meeting via Zoom.
Crew Chief and Crew Zoom Meetings This Week – Our Crew Chief Zoom Meeting will be at 6:00pm 
SDCFOA Crew Chief Meeting
Aug 31, 2022 6:00 PM
Meeting ID: 844 4058 2963
Passcode: 044724
One tap mobile
It is OK with me if your regular crew attends and then you switch to your own zoom to have your follow up zoom meeting with your crew in preparation for this week’s games.  Lead Instructors can also contact the non-crew members from your instructional class and have them attend this meeting to get their meeting credit.  Your call.
Agenda –
Attendance plus Clinics, Mechanics and Rules Test Scores
Weekly Bull
Instructional Video
Game Situations and Plays
When in Question? – If it is a non-safety foul like: Holding, IBB and DPI, and you are 50/50 in your judgement then “No Foul.”  Stay away from it!  If it is a safety foul like personal foul, Targeting, BBW, RPS, BSB, excessive contact to defenseless player, and you are in question whether it is a foul or not, “it is a Foul.” 
On-Line Testing – I am busy putting all of the scores into the attendance sheets.  As soon as I am finished, I will send all of the crew chiefs your attendance sheets so you can confirm with your crew that the scores are accurate, and that the attendance and clinics are accurate.  Thank you to all of the crew chiefs who have been very good in getting this info for me.  And thank you to Scott Carroll for the extra time and effort to make sure everyone has an opportunity to take these tests.
Goal of the Observer Program – The objective of the observer program is not to make you nervous or worried about what the observer might think or say.  The objective is to review your work that night and learn from an experienced official who witnessed the same action you did.  Please try to leave your ego at the door and open up to their comments.  It’s simply a slightly different learning process that can be threatening unless you trust the observer and the process. 
Crew Saver – Every week I hear about a crew member saving the crew from a major mistake. 1) The kicking team lines up behind the 5-yard zone and the LJ alerts the BJ and kicking team they need to move up. 2) Dead-ball foul tacked onto the succeeding kickoff but the crew lines up normal.  Referee radios the crew to enforce!
3) Umpire reports the result of the play was a completed pass.  As the crew is mis-enforcing a foul, the BJ races in and saves the crew by reporting the proper result of the play was an INCOMPLETE pass.  Do you have a crew-saver story from your crew so far this year?
Food For Thought – 3rd and 9 at the R14-yard line with 20 seconds remaining.  K’s field goal attempt is blocked and the ball is recovered by K26 at the R20-yard line.  What is the status of the clock?  Running?  Stopped?  Whose ball?
Invite a 1st Year Official to Your Game – If you can, they might record fouls for the crew or maybe you need help on the chain crew? 
Junior Garcia – Just in case you haven’t seen the news clip featuring our own Junior Garcia, you can view it at this link - https://fb.watch/f8Kp8yc-6U/
Are You Gliding? – The following was written by John Bible and shared with us by Mike Weseloh:
“The more and quicker we move, the more our heads (and thus our eyes) move, which makes it harder to digest and properly process the action.  Even in smaller crews it’s often possible to stay still more than we do.  When we must move, do so in a controlled manner, that involves less eye-jiggling.   Rather than running full tilt on pass plays, better off GLIDING, so we digest what the players are doing and then what happens as the ball arrives.”   

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