Weekly Bull 9/21/22

No Meeting This Week – Next meeting will be Wednesday September 28th on Zoom.  Zoom invitation will be in next week’s Bull which will come out the Monday prior to the meeting.  This week is a great time to get back into a rule and/or review a section in the mechanics book. 
Speaking of Mechanics – Reminder, our mechanic, and the state and national mechanic, is for the BJ to provide a 5-second warning (arm straight up in the air overhead) immediately followed by a visible countdown of each remaining second by moving your arm from your chest to an extended position to the side or slightly above your shoulder each second.  We do not give a 10-second warning.  See page 48 of the mechanics manual under Back Judge.
Minimum Viewing Distance -   Scientifically proven, the best distance to observe players is 8-12 yards.  We all fit somewhere in this range, especially if movement is part of it.  Work on what suits you best and strive to be that distance in making your judgement calls.  Obviously, the nature of the game and the players will not always allow us to accomplish this.  Sideline officials are restricted by the sideline.  Our mechanics teach us to be at the goal line and that can be right where the play is too.  We all at times attempt to get to close!  It also fits with the purposeful movement philosophy.  Limit your tendency to get too close, settle, and you will have a better view!
Interested in Running for the Board? – Contact Robin House by October 1st.  Four new board members will be elected in October.
Game Check Weekend – It’s fast approaching – October 14-17.   Crew chiefs get your crew  organized for this important effort.  We do so many great things with this fund.  Let’s keep last year’s momentum going.  The crew with the highest crew contribution will be getting a free dinner after the last regular season game.  You can go to sdyouthfootballfund.org for more information or to actually donate, we are all set up.  You can also contact Mike Downing for additional information, docdowning@aol.com or text/phone at 619-888-6430. 
Golf Tournament – This year’s golf tournament will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at Admiral Baker GC.  Shotgun start tentative for 12:00 noon.  $125 covers golf and cart.  $145 gets you that plus drink tickets and a chance to win lots of great prizes at the raffle.  You can enter a group or play as an individual.  Golfers of all abilities and their guests are welcome.  Raffle prize donations are also encouraged and appreciated.  Register at www.sandiegoyouthfootballfund.orgor or contact Ed Blick, Mike Downing, or Mike Gunzelman with questions.
The Regular Season Begins - Teams are now playing conference opponents and league championships are at stake.  We need to "up our game" in response to this unique part of the schedule.  Teams are more familiar with each other and that can be a good thing or a bad thing.  Be aware of rivalries.  
Sportsmanship – Thank you, crew chiefs, for beginning your games with the concept of sportsmanship.  We should all be on the same page, and most of the coaches are!  Keep up the great work.
Self-Evaluation Components (Walt Anderson NFL) – How well did we manage the game?  Did we consistently apply the rules and philosophies?  How were our mechanics?  How did we do as a team?  How did I do as an individual?  Utilize these five questions with your crew as you self-evaluate your performances each week!  Great job, now let’s get even better!
PAT/Field Goal Holder – If a team chooses to have their holder not have his knee on the ground, then they are no longer in a scrimmage kick formation thus no protection for the snapper and no numbering exceptions.  If a holder has his knee on the ground, he may then rise to advance, hand, or pass the ball.  Remember, the holder with his knee on the ground must rise first if he wishes to hand or pass the ball (forward or backward).
Long Incompletions – We’re happy to report that our flanks are doing a great job of getting involved in the relays from the BJ to the Umpire on long incompletions.  Reminder, you may also have your Umpire and flank official get a second ball from the offense’s sideline, or request that the receiver run the ball back in.
Homecoming – By rule the home team may be extended to 20 minutes for homecoming or any other major event.  The visiting team must have been notified at least 5 minutes prior to the game.  Teams will also have the mandatory 3 minute warm up for a total of 23 minutes.
Crowds Outside the Team Box – This is a good problem!  Some of our feature games are attracting huge crowds which can also mean a lot of extra fans standing on the sideline.  Remember, these fans are not a part of the team and cannot be penalized, but should any or some of them interfere with the game and our officiating, then they can be removed by the home school administration.  Administration is there for a reason, so don’t bother the head coach. Remember, unsportsmanlike behavior of someone out of the team box is not a foul on that team and cannot be penalized. 
Signals and Clock Awareness – Everyone on the crew should be relaying signals.  If one person signals time out, we all signal time out.  The clock operator is dependent on good signals from all officials.  Checking the status of the clock is one of the first things we do in our dead-ball officiating sequence.  Accurate spot, action by players at the end, and then check the status of the clock.   Let’s make this a crew goal for this week!
Bands – The following is taken from the CIF Green Book: “Bands are not allowed to play during the course of the actual contest.  In the sport of football, bands may play during timeouts, halftime or in between plays. Bands must stop playing when a team breaks the huddle or in the case of a no huddle offense, when the quarterback lines up in position to take a snap.”  Any violation of this CIF policy can be directed to the game administration for immediate correction.  Continued violations would be considered an 'unfair act' under NFHS Football Rule 9-10-1 and could result in a 15-yard penalty being assessed to the head football coach of the offending school for unsportsmanlike conduct.
San Diego Alex Spanos All-Star Game – The date for this year’s game will be December 10th at 4:00pm at Mira Mesa High School.  We look forward to this game each year, and the crew will be selected as we get into the playoffs.

Weekly Bull 9 21 22
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