Information Update 2/8/24

SDCFOA Information Update - Steve Coover - February 8, 2024

Attached below is the press release for the new rules for 2024.  You can see that there is only one new rule and it is a modest clarification to say the least.  So, don't throw away your 2023 rule book or case book as the Association is considering not purchasing new books this year.  Most of us keep all of our old rule books on a shelf somewhere....after being given Frank Mannen's books by his widow, mine now go back to 1972!  Tom Ables probably goes back to the 1800's.

Let me know if you've lost yours.  Thanks.

Speaking of our beloved Tom Ables, he was awarded "All-Star Recognition" on Monday night by the High School Sports Association.  That distinguished group's mission is to celebrate high school athletics and the presenter, Damon Baldwin head coach of Ramona High School, was quick to point out the importance of the roll that officials play in the sport of football.  Tom joins a very distinguished group of coaches, administrators and officials who have distinguished themselves as All-Stars!  Congratulations Tom!

SAVE THE DATE - Friday, March 1st our very own Steve Hoslett will be honored by the National Football Foundation at a dinner and social at the Doubletree Hilton in Mission Valley.  Ticket information will be sent out asap.  Steve has been such a great asset to our high school and college officials we will want to attend in support of Steve and this well-deserved honor!

Information Update 2 8 24
Word – 21.3 KB 155 downloads
NFF Awards Night For Steve Hoslett
Word – 278.4 KB 163 downloads
New Rules
PDF – 305.1 KB 166 downloads