Information Update 5/15/24

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SDCFOA Information Update - Steve Coover - May 15, 2024

Last Day for Certified Officials to Register to Be Eligible for the Draft - May 15th (today) is the last day to register to be eligible for the draft.  Thank you to all who have made themselves available for out crews this year!  We are all hoping that the 2024 season is our very best in a long time (pre-Covid) and a healthy draft is a very good first step!

Fees for 2024 - The following will be our fees for the 2024 season
Varsity Referee - $142
Varsity Others - $140
Sub Varsity All Officials - $95
*Girls Flag Varsity  All Officials - $70
*Girls Flag Sub Varsity - $67
*pending final discussions with CIF

Food For Thought - Third and 18 for team A from its 28-yard line.  As A1's pass is in flight, B2 is flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct.  B3 intercepts the pass and returns it to team A's 40-yard line.  After the ball is dead, A4 is flagged for piling on.  The next play will be Third and 18 for team A from its 28-yard line.  Why isn't it first and 10 for team B from team A's 40-yard line?  (Rule 10-2-1b)  Why isn't it first and 10 for team A from its own 28-yard line? (Rule 10-2-5b)