Weekly Bull 6/25/23

Mechanics Manual and New Mechanics - Go to the Association Website at www.sdcfoa.org and click on Rules and Mechanics.  You will find the newest version of our Mechanics and Philosophies Manual for 2023-2024.  You can also download the list of changes to our manual so you can find the changes in the manual and read them in context.  There are not too many changes and most are just clarifications.  You will still get a new Printed Manual in your kit on July 5th at our first meeting at Mira Mesa HS.  And Don't Forget to Recruit Someone!

Handling Equipment Violations - Our procedure is now going to be utilized throughout the State of California.  One way to refresh you memory of the procedure is to watch the new YouTube Video created by myself and Mark Andrews in Orange County.  https://youtu.be/EsVxtvcEEIk.  This 7-minute video can be a helpful refresher before we begin the season. 

SDDCFOA Rules Summer Study - Questions and Answers for #51 - #75.  Only 25 questions after this set!   Thanks and catch you next week with another Weekly Bull! - Good luck. - Steve

Summer Study Questions 51 75
PDF – 357.0 KB 205 downloads
Weekly Bull 6 25 23
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