Weekly Bull 7/14/21

1st Year and 2nd Year/Transfer Officials Meeting – All 1st year and 2nd year and transfer officials will meet on Wednesday 7/14 at 7:00pm at Carmel Valley Middle School.  NEW ROOMS – Due to summer cleaning of classrooms we will be in new rooms this week.
1st Year will be meeting in Room 804
2nd Year/Transfers will be meeting in Room 803.
It is very important to your success in officiating that you attend these weekly sessions through July and the first part of August.  We are planning on our newer officials working a lot of games for us this year, including some varsity games.  These meetings will prepare you!
Certified Official’s Clinic This Wednesday (1st & 2nd year officials do not attend this) - Line of Scrimmage Zoom Meeting W/Zack Marble this Wednesday, July 14th at 7:00 PM.  This is the 1st of three clinics so don’t miss out on any of them.  If you are a line of scrimmage official, we strongly encourage you to attend this session.  We will begin the clinic with a discussion of the new Free Kick Mechanics!  Here is the meeting Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 4055 2367
Passcode: 783076
One tap mobile – (669) 900-9128
Hooking up to Technology at Carmel Valley Middle School – When we meet again as a whole association, we will be hooking up to the classroom projection system and the WiFi.  I will be providing additional information just prior to the meeting, but I suggest you bring a variety of cables both VGA and HDMI pus adaptors for hard wired hook up to the internet.  It will be easier when we get to Mira Mesa…I hope!
Website Password – There are some areas of the new SDCFOA website that require a password.  The password is Referee.
Mechanics Summer Study – You all have these questions plus the answer key.  We will be taking the Mechanics Exam on-line with your crew at the end of July so be prepared.  1st year officials do not take any exams.
Food for Thought – Here are a couple of rules questions plus some helpful suggestions from your instructional chair:

R1 attempts to catch a punt at his own 15 yardline. The ball bounces off his shoulder pad and is caught by K2 at team R's 13 yardline. K2 carries the ball into team R's end zone. (4-2-2f; 5-1-3f).
a.         Touchdown for team K.
b.         Team K's ball at its own 13 yardline.
c.         Touchback.

Ruling: BFirst and 10 for team A from its own three yardline. A1 drops back into his own end zone, which is on the north end of the field. A2 is flagged for holding in the end zone. A1's pass is incomplete. Time for the first quarter expires during the down.  Ruling: If team B accepts the penalty, the result is a safety; team B scores two points. The second quarter begins with team A's free kick from the 20 yardline at the south end of the field.  (3-3-3, 3.3.3A-D)

“First off, you’ve got to be a good person!” - David Coleman, PAC 12 Supervisor
Goal setting for the season starts with this quote!  We owe it to ourselves, and to our crewmates, to take some time and reflect on the elements of our character that could be made even better.  To assist you I suggest re-reading, and reflect on, the first section of our Manual titled Goals and Preparedness.  Pay particular attention to the first three sections on Character; Relationship; and Presence.  Then review the Qualities of an Excellent Crew Mate.  Again, pay special attention to those traits that will make us an even better person, and official!
“Provide the right theatre.” - Greg Burks, Big 12 Supervisor of Officials
You will hear me many times throughout the season referring to the “optics” of a particular situation.  The term “theatre” is a synonym and it further defines how we should present ourselves, collectively and individually, as we manage the various elements and tasks within the game. We must “prepare ourselves” to move in a smooth and confident manner that portrays skill and accuracy.  I suggest you review pages on Communication, Field Presence, and Sideline Control which is adapted from the teachings of Mike Weseloh and Tony Corrente.  Making a great first impression, treating all participants with respect, demonstrating a love for the game, and gaining the confidence and trust of each head coach, go a long way to being successful each game.  When we master our mechanics as a crew, and communicate accurately with words and signals, we can “provide the right theatre” when it comes to a critical measurement, complicated penalty enforcement, or the determination of an important completion or incomplete pass.  In each of these cases, hopefully, we “provide the right theatre.”

Weekly Bull 7 14 21
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