Weekly Bull 7/28/21

New Meeting Location Effective Immediately – Yay!  We are now back at Mira Mesa High School back in the portable classrooms in the back of the school.  Do not go to Carmel Valley Middle School.  Go to Mira Mesa High School 10510 Marauder Way, San Diego 92126.  Mira Mesa High School is located on Mira Mesa Blvd. between the 15 and the 805 freeways.  Check directions with your phone app. to determine the easiest and fastest route.  Although it is more central in its general location, it is also more traffic so be prepared to find shortcuts based upon that day’s traffic.  The portable classrooms will be in the back of the school near the faculty parking lot.
1st & 2nd Year Official Meet This Week at Mira Mesa High School – Keep up the excellent attendance.  Scrimmages are 3-weeks away.  See you This Wednesday 7/28 at 7:00 pm at Mira Mesa High School – 10510 Marauder Way, San Diego 92126.  A map showing where to park and the location of our classrooms is attached.  Here are your classroom assignments:
1st year officials – Room B36
2nd year & transfer officials – Room B37
Clinic for Back Judges - The next clinic will be Wednesday July 28th at 7:00pm on zoom.  Our guest presenter will be John Downing from the GNAC conference.  The PowerPoint for that presentation is attached!  All certified officials are welcome to join us so here is the invitation to join:
SDCFOA Back Judge Clinic – Wednesday, July 28th - 7:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 5266 3699
Passcode: 384963
One tap mobile
Assignments Week #1 & Week #2 – Tom is waiting for the conferences to move one game in each conference to either a Thursday or a Saturday.  We should know within a week so Tom can make some quick adjustments and publish the assignments.  Thank you for your patience as the coaches work this out with their schools.  Tom will send out an email as he gets close to publishing.  Make sure you accept immediately!
Recruiting – Last day to recruit is our August 4th meeting.  After that, they can always join but no guarantee of game assignments.  There just won’t be enough time to even get them prepared for the scrimmages.  So, give it one more try to recruit new member! Thank you!
Calibration –   The latest calibration plays are being loaded onto our website at www.sdcfoa.org.  Following our discussions during the calibration process, we eventually do end up with approved rulings for each play.  Those rulings are provided on the website.  Huge thanks to David Garza for his work in updating and managing our website!  Remember our goals for calibration are:
1 – To engage the Association in a broader process for determining correct rulings on potential fouls rather than just relying on Coover to give us “his” answer.  This way we learn from each other and discuss before we end up with a consensus.
2 - To gain greater consistency in judgments made in the SDCFOA.
3 – To develop our skill at seeing greater detail as we view plays that may, or may not, be fouls.
4 – To properly consider, and apply, the philosophies of the SDCFOA to each of these plays.
Reporting Fouls – Every crew should discuss how they will be reporting fouls to the referee!  Practice your reporting sequence.  Remember to be calm and complete in your report.  In all cases the report must include:

  • The result of the play

    The interval of the foul (during the run, pass, kick; after the interception/fumble etc.)

    The foul

    The player’s number

    The Team (offense, defense, return team, recovering team, intercepting team, etc.)

    Spot of the foul

Food for Thought – Fouls by Team K or Team R and First Touching

  1. Team K’s attempted on-side kick from their own 40-yardline, is rolling free and untouched.  While the ball is only six yards into the neutral zone at Team K’s 46-yardline, K33 blocks R23 above the waist.  R23 did not initiate this block as a mutual block, rather only K33 initiated the block.  The ball rolls to a stop at the Team K 45-yardline and is ruled dead with no player possession, or a Team R player falls on the ball.

    1. Ruling: First of all, K33 is not eligible to block until the ball has traveled 10-yards to the 50-yardline (as the kick was made from Team K’s 40). As R23 did not initiate a “mutual block”, and K33 did initiate the block it is by rule an illegal block.  The options for Team R include accepting the foul for an illegal block on Team K and penalizing Team K 10-yards from either the previous spot, or the succeeding spot.  This “tack-on” succeeding spot enforcement applies because Team K would not be the next to put the ball in play.

    Same free kick and illegal blocks as stated in play #1 but, the ball rolls to the Team K 45-yardline where a Team K player falls on the ball and it is declared dead. 

    1. Ruling: In this case, the Team K player falling on the ball constitutes “first touching”.  In this case the enforcement options change.  Team R may decline the penalty and take the ball at the spot of 1st touching, or Team R may accept the 10-yard penalty for the illegal block from the previous spot and have Team K re-kick.  Remember (6-1-7) “the right of R to take the ball at the spot of first touching by K is canceled if…the penalty is accepted for any foul committed during the down.”  No “tack-on” option.

    On a kickoff, K 88 touches the ball at the K-48.  As the play continues, R20 gains possession, carries the ball for a few yards and fumbles.  K29 recovers the ball and is tackled.

    1. Ruling: The first touching by Team K gives Team R the option of taking the ball at the K-48, thus negating the fumble recovery by Team K. If Team K were to foul during this play, there would be no “tack-on” or succeeding spot enforcement as it would not meet that basic spot exception because Team K would be the team to next put the ball in play due to the fumble recovery.

PS.  Also in 6-1-7, “The right of R to take the ball at the spot of first touching is canceled if R touches the kick and thereafter during the down commits a foul…”

  1. On kickoff, K 88 touches the ball at the K-48.  As the play continues, R62 holds K16 before R20 gains possession, carries the ball for a few yards and fumbles.  K29 recovers the ball and is tackled.

    1. Ruling: It is critical when R62’s foul occurs.  In this case, R62’s foul for holding is before R20 touches/gains possession of the ball. The penalty, if accepted, will be enforced from the previous spot and Team K will re-kick as “the right of R to take the ball at the spot of first touching by K is canceled if…the penalty is accepted for any foul committed during the down.” 

    On kickoff, K 88 touches the ball at the K-48.  As the play continues, R62 holds K16 after R20 gains possession, carries the ball for a few yards and fumbles.  K29 recovers the ball and is tackled.

    1. Ruling: In this case, R62’s foul for holding is after R20 touches/gains possession, caries the ball for a few yards and fumbles.  Team K can decline the penalty and keep the ball.  This option is awarded to Team K because “The right of R to take the ball at the spot of first touching is canceled if R touches the kick and thereafter during the down commits a foul…”  The penalty does not have to be accepted as in #4.

Weekly Bull 7 28 21
Word – 37.3 KB 462 downloads
Mira Mesa High School Map
PDF – 382.2 KB 446 downloads
Back Judge Clinic John Downing 7 28 21
PowerPoint – 69.3 KB 481 downloads