Weekly Bull 7/17/02

San Diego County Football Officials Association, Inc,

A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation The Weekly Bull - 7/17/02


  1. CAV and Registration (1st timers)

  2. Announcements

  3. Questions on New Rules & Program Highlights from Last Meeting

  4. New Mechanics

  5. Clinics and Scrimmages (see attachment)

  6. Start Rules 1-3 (if there is time)

  7. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Next Meeting:

1st & 2nd year & college — Wed. July 24

Everyone – Wed. July 31

  1. Reminder: The exams will again be taken as an individual. The test we will use is the National Federation Exam Part Il. Passing is 80%. Use your NFE Part I in your study packet to get familiar with the format and style of question. Use the answer key provided to go deeper in your studying!

  2. Congratulations to John Downing for winning the board election to fill a 2-year term.

  3. Keep recruiting! You are the best recruiters so think of someone to bring into the fraternity of football officials. If you are interested in working with the recruiting committee this year, please contact Charles Washington.

  4. If you have a change of address or phone number, please let Korry Belmontez know about it immediately, and in writing!

  5. If you have a change in availability, let Jim Sibbet and the appropriate assignment secretary (Bob Duggan — South County; Brad Cowan — North County) know immediately, and in writing!

  6. If you want a copy of the association’s annual budget – See Bob Smith, or board meeting minutes see Nathan Weiss.

  7. Banquet Date — Wednesday, November 20th @ Sea World. Cost is $30.00 and payable to Robin House before and after each meeting!

  8. If you have "gently used" officiating gear - shirts, knickers, socks, shoes, flags, bean bags, etc. - and are considering disposing of it or replacing it this season, your

Association can put it to good use! Please donate it to the Used Gear Locker and it will be passed on to "officials in need." See Dave Fleischman in Room E-6 before or after every July and August meeting to donate items.

10.Association Website www.sdcfoa.org the Charity Fund website is www.sdyouthfootballfund.org

 Questions on New Rules & Program Highlights from Last Meeting

  1. Chop block and scissors block — both are delayed blocks, not simultaneous blocks

  2. Free blocking zone — regular or wide splits = tackle to tackle (not tight end)

Review of New Mechanics 2001:

  1. 5 man, 4 man, & 3 man — If team A is in a formation normally used for a kick try or an attempted field goal from the 10 yardline or in, the Umpire is in his proper position under the goal post, and where all eleven team A players are in a tight formation with no wideouts, the flank official(s) will take their initial position approximately 9-10 yards in from the sidelines (to the top of the numbers). Immediately after it is clear that the kick has not been blocked, flank officials should then close to the center of the field to observe player action at the line of scrimmage and to use their voice to prevent unnecessary contact or fouls.

  2. 5man & 4 man — During a try or field goal from the 10-yard line or in, and team A is in a "swinging gate" formation, all officials will be in their regular positions for a regular scrimmage down. The Back Judge and Umpire will shade to the "swinging gate" side of the field. If team A shifts to a formation normally used for a kick try or attempted field goal, then the Umpire will move back under the upright on the Line Judge's side of the field and the Back judge will move under the upright on the Head Linesman's side of the field.

  3. 4 man measurements — the same as 5 man measurements in all cases. There is no Back Judge in 4 man so no one will be at the box.

New Mechanics 2002

Punt Mechanics For A 4-Man Crew

R lines up on the LJ side of the punter; protects punter, responsible for sideline on a broken play.

U is in normal position; looks for hit on the center, holding, etc., inside-out look on the return. HL is in normal position on sideline; has line of scrimmage, knows if punt crosses the line, responsible for his sideline after the kick, covers receiver in his side zone.

LJ is deep on his side of the field; responsible for the ball and deep receiver, stays between the ball and his sideline, covers action around the ball when the return is to the HL side.


For health reasons, it is recommended that officials be allowed to wear sunglasses when working Pop Warner games providing:

  • Sunglasses will be purchased from the same source so all officials are uniform in appearance.

  • Not all officials on a crew are required to wear sunglasses.

  • Sunglasses will be worn only during daytime games.

  • Sunglasses will be removed when talking to a coach.

Sunglasses will only be worn during high school games if prescribed by a doctor.

The sunglasses policy will be reviewed following the 2002 season and may be revised.

Placement of The Chains

It is optional at the high school level for the chains to be located 1 yard off the sideline after the

clip has been set. This is to allow for greater safety of both the chain crew and the head linesman. Of course, the chain crew must be capable of managing this mechanic.


The committee recommends that shorts not be worn after November 1 for the following reasons:

  • Weather would rarely be warm enough to require shorts.

  • Shorts would be eliminated as an option for playoff games.

Use common sense when working in the rain or cold weather at any time during the season. Shorts and long sleeve shirts don't mix.

Communicating Timeouts

In order to attain a level of consistency, the committee recommends managing timeout communication as follows:

  • Officials will verbalize number of timeouts left when communicating with each other.

  • Officials will verbalize number of timeouts left when communicating with coaches.

  • To avoid any confusion, we will verbalize, not use hand signals.

 Coaches On The Field

The following guidelines will govern coaches on the field:

  • One coach will be allowed on the field between plays. He must stay within the 25-yard lines.

  • No coaches are allowed on the field during a play.

  • Coaches will be given one free warning.

It is important that referees maintain a consistent ready-for-play signal throughout the game and or both teams.

Do not slow the tempo for the QB who runs to the sideline between plays.


Replays at the NFL and NCAA levels have shown that when a ball comes out during a tackle, about 80% of the time the ball was fumbled before the player was down by rule. Our emphasis will continue to teach our officials to see the play and rule accordingly. However, on those few plays when we are not able to see the action (screened out, pile up, etc.), we will lean toward fumble rather than the player being down.

Line of Scrimmage Signals

Widest player of offensive formation

  • Off LOS = Signal back (as Before)

  • On LOS = No signal

  • If 2 widest players are both off (rare) = Signal twice with hand-wave motion back (over head) with two fingers signaling.

  • If 3 widest players are both off (very rare) = Signal three times with hand-wave motion back (over head) with three fingers signaling.

  • Widest player of offensive formation shifts to LOS after initial signal = Hand goes to opposite shoulder.

  • Two widest players are both off and inside player shifts to LOS after signal = Resignal widest player off LOS.

  • Any signal from opposite flank official = acknowledge by signal of arm straight at fellow official and point.

The Following Mechanics Need Constant Reinforcement


U must watch the snap and initial hit on the snapper.

Flanks must come in toward the pile immediately after the ball is kicked.


In order to improve the dead-ball movement of the crew and get the ball spotted for the next play, Umpires need to hustle to the ball following the play. The hash mark is not a barrier, only a place to spot the ball. Umpires can assist the entire crew by hustling both to the ball and back to the spot. As always, the other officials will help get the ball to the umpire where possible.


When the play is to the opposite side, it is important for the offside flank official to move into the field, up to the hash mark, in order to better see action around, ahead and behind the play and to have a presence.

Bull 7 17 02
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