Weekly Bull 10/24/01


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

THE WEEKLY BULL – 10/24/01


  1. Attendance & CAVs by 7:00

  2. Announcements 7:00 – 7:15

  3. Food for Thought 7:15 – 7:45

  4. Federation Exam (questions 76-100) 7:45 – 8:15

  5. 25 Yard line Overtime Procedure 8:15 – 8:30

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. All Exams & Attendance “Make-Ups” – Wednesday November 7 at 6:30 p.m. Room E10

  2. Have you made your 8 meetings? If not, the November 7th meeting will count as an instructional meeting (if you’re one short). If you are short at the end of the season you will not have met the eligibility requirements for next year. If you are short you need to explain in a letter to the board. Send the letter to Nathan Weiss.

  3. Banquet Reminder – Tonight’s the last chance unless you’re planning on mailing in your $20 to Robin. It goes up at the door!!

  4. Rating Forms – Be ready to turn in your completed form into Mr. Inskeep at the banquet! Remember, crew chiefs, you are responsible for getting your crew to complete their forms and turn them in! The penalty for the official not completing the form is no playoff games next year! Don’t let this happen to anyone!!

  5. Reminder: This year’s CIF playoff dates: 1st round Fri Nov 16th, Quarterfinals Fri Nov 23rd, Semi-Finals Fri Nov. 30th, Div III Finals Fri Dec. 7th and Div I, II & IV Finals Wed. Dec 5th at 12:30, 4:00 & 7:30. All preliminary round games (Fridays only this year) will be at 7:30pm. It is required that all crew members must indicate to Jim Sibbet, in writing, any of the above dates that they are unavailable. This unavailability should include both afternoons and evenings. If the crewmembers indicated that the are unavailable on one of the above dates on their original registration forms, they should restate the same. The first-year class instructors should also ask their class regarding availability for the semi-finals and final dates for chain crew assignments.

  6. If you’ve moved or you have changed phone numbers, you must inform Nathan Weiss our secretary in writing or by e-mail. This is the only way will get next year’s packet. If you move, you better call him as your packet will be sent to the old address. This happened to several last year!

  7. Get your dues paid on time…don’t expect a call or reminder from the secretary next year. You won’t be drafted if you haven’t paid by the draft! No exceptions! No kidding!

  8. Charity Fund Update! – As of today, the Fund has received pledges from 89 officials (includes the registration contributions) that total $4481. We have collected $2132. I encourage all those that have made a pledge to either honor their pledge at tonight’s meeting, mail a check to Jake Minger or bring a check to the banquet. For those officials that still want to participate in supporting the Fund, they can like wise remit a check. We are closing in on the end of the season and I want to thank all my fellow officials for their support. On Monday, October 15th, the Union Tribune did a story on our efforts to support the San Diego football community. Thanks again! – Jake Minger.

Need to make up Rules Test due to absence or low score:

O’Hanlon, S. Simmons, Weseloh, Wright, Ward, Chitwood, Gaines, Jeff Isham, John Isham, Schmidt, J. Sibbet, J. Simmons. Thomas, Bailey, Rodriguez, Parks, Bjornstadt, Moreno, Wimpie, Strunk, Brown, McLaughlin, Aguilar, Alderson, Aller, J. Christensen, Needham, Battle, Clark, Graber, Montes

Need to make up Rules Test due to absence or low score:

  1. Simmons, Macomber, O’Hanlon, Pittman, Ward, Gaines, Jeff Isham, Schimdt, J. Sibbet, J. Simmons, Fromson, Thomas, Garcia, Mendez, Richardson, Zigrang, Freeman, McLaughlin, K. Smith, Clark, Grigsby

May need to make up attendance:

Kennedy, M. Downing, S. Simmons, Bjornstad, Strunk, Calderon, Zigrang, J. Simmons, Aguilar, Alderson, McLaughlin, Needham, Clark, D’Angelo

Food for Thought:

  1. Player/Coach Conference – Please review quickly the guidelines on the back. When we screw this up we look very stupid and the coaches are being extremely patient….Highlights – Authorized and Unauthorized conference – Rule: teams or player(s) may go to the bench and conference with one or more coaches. Teams should conference within 5-yards of the sideline and coaches should be in the team box. Water may be provided but attendants stay on team box. Application: attendants and coaches can come on field a few yards to separate the players from non-players. Injury time outs: revert back to the rule as we may need to resume play quickly and don’t want the coaches or attendants out on the field.

  2. Late film scripts additions – on play #22 the referee should have an angle relationship with the passer, not directly behind the him, for a better view. Play #19 the linemen are not on the line of scrimmage. Our mechanic is to warn players and the coach first…then flag.

Bull 10 24 01
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