Weekly Bull 8/23/00


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org



  1. Attendance/Roll Books/CAV’s

  2. Registration

  3. Announcements

  4. Food for Thought

  5. Rules 7-10 (using rule book)

  6. Rules 7-10 (summer study questions)

  7. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Banquet reminder – See Robin House and pay your $15 now. It goes up at the door. See him before and after each meeting!!

  2. Do you have your own health insurance? You need to have medical coverage for the season. You don’t get any medical coverage from NASO or the CIF. NASO does cover you for liability but not medical.

  3. You will receive a single sheet of football fees for the 2000 season. It shows your fees for pop warner through CIF finals. Keep it in your equipment bag for reference.

Food for Thought:

  1. Test next week! Do your homework and study at home (rules and case book!) That’s why we’re breaking early tonight. It has nothing to do with Survivor!

Crew Chiefs & Instructors:

  1. Sibbet & Assignments

  2. Review of Tonight’s Agenda (see above)

  3. Attendance – The following are absent 8/9:

Robbins: Dahlen, Goodall, Belmontez, Flint

Weseloh: Galizio, Parks, R. Floquet, Carr, Ward

Van Zant: S. Van Zant, Petersen, Finnerty, Villalpando, McFadden, Ferguson, Mayabb, Zigrang, Calderon, Haddox, P. McDonald, D Sibbet, D. Robinson

Inskeep: Segobia, Pumphrey, Simmons, B. Johnson, Miles, Mannen, Bjornstad, Julian, Weiss

The following room assignment change has been made:

Nick Norris from Freeman (250) to Van Zant (252)

  1. Adjourn 8:00 – Additional study session at home as you watch Survivor!

Bull 8 23 00
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