A group of young officials knew it was important to set up a way to study the rules. They came up with a basic framework of independent review of the rule and corresponding cases plays. A spreadsheet was created to track the thoughts and questions, so they had something to guide the discussion.

The weekly Zoom meetings will go over the topics listed and mini quizzes that are sent out prior to the meeting. The meetings include a veteran crew chief/instructor. Various other topics regarding officiating will be covered by current and former crew chiefs.

The goal is to get a better understanding of the rules, enforcing the spirit of the rules, focus on officiating the game and penalty enforcements.

The Study Group Zoom call is available to all.  If interested send contact information. 

Past Zoom Meetings and Recordings

2025 Rule and Case Book Discussion Guides

Any rules questions you would like to have addressed. Please submit prior to the Zoom Meeting

Rule 1, Case 1

Rule 2, Case 2

Rule 3, Case 3

Rule 4, Case 4

Rule 5, Case 5

Rule 6, Case 6

Rule 7, Case 7

Rule 8, Case 8

Rule 9, Case 9

Rule 10, Case 10

2025 Summer Rules Study Guide

Summer Study Guide (1-20)

Summer Study Guide (21-40)

Summer Study Guide (41-60)

Summer Study Guide (61-80)

Summer Study Guide (81-100)


Pre-Snap Routines

Points of Emphasis

Open Questions

Rules Clarifications

For additional information and handouts. See the Official Library.